Now showing items 16-35 of 1135

    Titles index
    L’acquisition du genre quand il est déjà acquis : l’expérience d’enfants hispanophones apprenant le français [1]
    Acquisition of French adjectives in Quebec French as revealed by elicitation data [1]
    Active nuclear import and cytoplasmic retention of activation-induced deaminase [1]
    Activity monitor placed at the non-paretic ankle is accurate in measuring step counts during community walking in post-stroke individuals : a validation study [1]
    Acute carotid stenting in patients undergoing thrombectomy : a systematic review and meta-analysis [1]
    Acute insult of ammonia leads to calcium-dependent glutamate release from cultured astrocytes, an effect of pH [1]
    Acute invariant NKT cell activation triggers an immune response that drives prominent changes in iron homeostasis [1]
    Adaptation and reliability of the Cinderella story retell task in Canadian French persons without brain injury [1]
    The added value of quantitative ultrasound to shear-wave elastography for assessment of steatohepatitis in a rat model [1]
    Addiction [5]
    Addition of exogenous polypeptides on the mammalian reovirus outer capsid using reverse genetics [1]
    Adhesion and transcellular migration of neutrophils and B lymphocytes on fibroblasts [1]
    Adipose tissue (P)RR regulates insulin sensitivity, fat mass and body weight [1]
    The adoption of LI-RADS : a survey of non-academic radiologists [1]
    Advanced healthcare materials [1]
    Advancing social inclusion of people with disabilities through awareness and training activities : a collaborative process between community partners and researchers [1]
    AIDS and behavior [1]
    AIDS research and human retroviruses [1]
    Albumin dialysis : a new therapeutic strategy for intoxication from protein-bound drugs [1]
    Alcoholism : clinical and experimental research [1]