Now showing items 111-130 of 1134

    Titles index
    Autophagy drives fibroblast senescence through MTORC2 regulation [1]
    Autophagy, tissue repair, and fibrosis: a delicate balance [1]
    Availability of body art facilities and body art piercing do not predict hepatitis C acquisition among injection drug users in Montreal, Canada: results from a cohort study [1]
    BDNF Val66Met polymorphism interacts with sleep consolidation to predict ability to create new declarative memories [1]
    Behavioral sciences and the law [1]
    Behavioural brain research [1]
    Bibliothèques spécialisées et publiques : imaginer un partenariat au service des aînés du Québec [1]
    Bilateral connectivity in the brainstem respiratory networks of lampreys [1]
    The bile duct ligated rat : a relevant model to study muscle mass loss in cirrhosis [1]
    Bile‐duct ligation renders the brain susceptible to hypotension induced neuronal degeneration : implications of ammonia [1]
    Biochemical society transactions [1]
    Biocompatibility and functionality of a tissue-engineered living corneal stroma transplanted in the feline eye [1]
    Biological psychiatry [1]
    Biomedical sgnal processing and control [1]
    Bioptim, a python framework for musculoskeletal optimal control in biomechanics [1]
    Bioresource technology [2]
    Bisphosphoglycerate mutase deficiency protects against cerebral malaria and severe malaria-induced anemia [1]
    Blood [1]
    Blood purification [1]
    Blunted ventral striatal responses to anticipated rewards foreshadow problematic drug use in novelty-seeking adolescents [1]