Now showing items 508-527 of 1134

    Titles index
    Ilio-femoral ligament strains during the flexion-abduction-external rotation test : a cadaveric study [1]
    Image analysis and recognition : 7th international conference, ICIAR [2]
    Imaging of hepatocellular carcinoma : a pilot international survey [1]
    Immunogenetics [1]
    Immunology and cell biology [2]
    Immunoregulatory CD4-CD8- T cells as a potential therapeutic tool for transplantation, autoimmunity, and cancer [1]
    Impact de l’enseignement explicite des régularités graphotactiques et morphologiques sur l’apprentissage de l’orthographe lexicale auprès de différents profils d’élèves faibles orthographieurs de CE2 [1]
    L’impact du site de mesure de la pression artérielle sur le sevrage des vasopresseurs après la chirurgie cardiaque [1]
    Impact of contrast injection and stent-graft implantation on reproducibility of volume measurements in semiautomated segmentation of abdominal aortic aneurysm on computed tomography [1]
    The impact of outdoor walking surfaces on lower-limb coordination and variability during gait in healthy adults [1]
    Impact of reference standard on CT, MRI, and contrast-enhanced US LI-RADS diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma : a meta-analysis [1]
    The impact of semantic dementia on everyday actions : evidence from an ecological study [1]
    Impact of temporal resolution and motion correction for dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI of the liver using an accelerated golden-angle radial sequence [1]
    Impact of uric acid on liver injury and intestinal permeability following resuscitated hemorrhagic shock in rats [1]
    Implementation of a sexuality interview guide in stroke rehabilitation : a feasibility study [1]
    Implementation of an assistive technology for meal preparation within a supported residence for adults with acquired brain injury : a mixed-methods single case study [1]
    Implementing video monitoring [1]
    Implication of hypotension in the pathogenesis of cognitive impairment and brain injury in chronic liver disease [1]
    The importance of thematic informativeness in narrative discourse recovery in acute post-stroke aphasia [1]
    Improvements following multimodal pelvic floor physical therapy in gynecological cancer survivors suffering from pain during sexual intercourse : results from a one-year follow-up mixed-method study [1]