Now showing items 91-110 of 1132

    Titles index
    Assistive technology [2]
    Association between disruption of CD4 receptor dimerization and increased human immunodeficiency virus type 1 entry [1]
    The association between FABP7 serum levels with survival and neurological complications in acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure : a nested case–control study [1]
    Association between neighbourhood socioeconomic characteristics and high-risk injection behaviour amongst injection drug users living in inner vs. other city areas in Montréal, Canada [1]
    The association between pulsatile portal flow and acute kidney injury after cardiac surgery : a retrospective cohort study [1]
    Association between recurrent dreams, disturbing dreams and suicidal ideation in adolescents [1]
    Association des Bibliothèques de la santé affiliées à l'Université de Montréal. Rencontre annuelle [1]
    Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada. Congrès annuel [2]
    Association internationale francophone des bibliothécaires et documentalistes. Congrès [2]
    Association of protein phosphatase PPM1G with alcohol use disorder and brain activity during behavioral control in a genome-wide methylation analysis [1]
    Association of reduced extracellular brain ammonia, lactate, and intracranial pressure in pigs with acute liver failure [1]
    Associations of prenatal urinary bisphenol a concentrations with child behaviors and cognitive abilities [1]
    Associations of substance use patterns with attempted suicide among persons who inject drugs: Can distinct use patterns play a role? [1]
    AST-120 (spherical carbon adsorbent) lowers ammonia levels and attenuates brain edema in bile duct-ligated rats [1]
    Astrocyte glutamine synthetase : pivotal in health and disease [1]
    Australian occupational therapy journal [3]
    AutoFACT: An Automatic Functional Annotation and Classification Tool [1]
    Autolysosomes and caspase-3 control the biogenesis and release of immunogenic apoptotic exosomes [1]
    Automated external defibrillator geolocalization with a mobile application, verbal assistance or no assistance : a pilot randomized simulation (AED G-MAP) [1]
    Autophagy [1]