Now showing items 663-682 of 1134

    Titles index
    Language acquisition [1]
    Language and literacy [1]
    Language electrified : techniques, methods, applications, and future perspectives in the neurophysiological investigation of language [1]
    Law and human behavior [1]
    Leisure practice and its relations to cognitive vitality for seniors attending community organizations [1]
    Lessons on brain edema in HE : from cellular to animal models and clinical studies [1]
    Letters to the Editor: Correspondence re R. Lapointe et al., CD40-stimulated B Lymphocytes Pulsed with Tumor Antigens Are Effective Antigen-presenting Cells That Can Generate Specific T Cells. Cancer Res 2003;63:2836–43. [1]
    Leukemia [1]
    LI-RADS and transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma [1]
    LI-RADS for CT diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma : performance of major and ancillary features [1]
    LI-RADS for MR imaging diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma: performance of major and ancillary features [1]
    LI-RADS version 2018 ancillary features at MRI [1]
    LI-RADS® ancillary features on CT and MRI [1]
    LIBER Quarterly [1]
    Le libre accès pour les bibliothèques de la santé : des ressources à découvrir [1]
    Licit and illicit substance use among people who inject drugs and the association with subsequent suicidal attempt [1]
    LILAC pilot study : effects of metformin on mTOR activation and HIV reservoir persistence during antiretroviral therapy [1]
    Limited capacity for ammonia removal by brain in chronic liver failure: potential role of nitric oxide [1]
    Live minimal path for interactive segmentation of medical images [1]
    Liver imaging : it is time to adopt standardized terminology [1]