Now showing items 918-937 of 1135

    Titles index
    Previous pregnancy outcomes and subsequent pregnancy anxiety in a Quebec prospective cohort [1]
    The priming of priming : Evidence that the N400 reflects context-dependent post-retrieval word integration in working memory [1]
    Prior history of feeding–swallowing difficulties in children with language impairment [1]
    Priorities and needs regarding sexual rehabilitation for individuals in the subacute phase post-stroke [1]
    Problematic caregiving activities among family carers of older adults with disabilities [1]
    Proceedings from the 2018 Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver Single Topic Conference—Decompensated Cirrhosis : from clinic to transplant [1]
    Proceedings of SPIE [4]
    Progress in biomedical optics and imaging [1]
    Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology and biological psychiatry [1]
    Progressive resistance training prevents loss of muscle mass and strength in bile duct‐ligated rats [1]
    The proprotein convertase PC5/6 is protective against intestinal tumorigenesis: In vivo mouse model [1]
    The proprotein convertase PC5/6 is protective against intestinal tumorigenesis: in vivo mouse model [1]
    Prorenin/renin receptor blockade promotes a healthy fat distribution in obese mice [1]
    Protein homeostasis in drug discovery [1]
    Proximal-to-distal sequences of attack and release movements of expert pianists during pressed-staccato keystrokes [1]
    Psychiatric services [1]
    Psychiatric services utilization in completed suicides of a youth centres population [1]
    Psychiatry research [2]
    Psychological aspects of sport-related concussions [2]
    Psychology of addictive behaviors [1]