Voici les éléments 460-479 de 1132

    Index des titres
    Have we reproduced Rat Park? Conceptual but not direct replication of the protective effects of social and environmental enrichment in addiction [1]
    HCO3 dependent impact of Na+,K+, 2Cl cotransport in vascular smooth muscle excitation-contraction coupling [1]
    Health and literacy: the Mini-Med School and the Literacy Foundation working together to reach native children [1]
    Health and quality of life outcomes [2]
    Health professionals’ and patients’ perspectives on pelvic floor muscle training adherence : 2011 ICS State-of-the-Science Seminar research paper IV of IV [1]
    Health research policy and systems [1]
    Healthcare policy = Politiques de santé [1]
    Hemodynamic changes during posterior epilepsies: an eeg-fnirs study [1]
    Hepatic encephalopathy : from metabolic to neurodegenerative [1]
    Hepatic encephalopathy : novel insights into classification, pathophysiology and therapy [1]
    Hepatitis C Virus seroconversion among persons who inject drugs in relation to primary care physician visiting: The potential role of primary healthcare in a combined approach to Hepatitis C prevention [1]
    Hepatocellular carcinoma imaging systems : why they exist, how they have evolved, and how they differ [1]
    The Hepatokine TSK does not affect brown fat thermogenic capacity, body weight gain, and glucose homeostasis [1]
    Hepatology [4]
    Heretical thoughts into hepatic encephalopathy [1]
    Heterotachy and long-branch attraction in phylogenetics [1]
    High postoperative portal venous flow pulsatility indicates right ventricular dysfunction and predicts complications in cardiac surgery patients [1]
    HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein amino acids signatures associated with clade B transmitted/founder and recent viruses [1]
    HIV-1 envelope sequence-based diversity measures for identifying recent infections [1]
    HIV-1 Vpr induces the K48-linked polyubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of target cellular proteins to activate ATR and promote G2 arrest [1]