Voici les éléments 1084-1103 de 1132

    Index des titres
    Towards Non Invasive Diagnosis of Scoliosis Using Semi-supervised Learning Approach [1]
    Toxicology in vitro [1]
    Training persons with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease how to use an electronic medication management device : development of an intervention protocol [1]
    Trajectories and predictors of functional capacity decline in older adults from a Brazilian Northeastern hospital [1]
    Trajectories of gambling problems from mid-adolescence to age 30 in a general population cohort [1]
    A transcriptome-based approach to identify functional modules within and across primary human immune cells [1]
    A transdisciplinary perspective of chronic stress in relation to psychopathology throughout life span development [1]
    Transient high level mammalian reovirus replication in a bat epithelial cell line occurs without cytopathic effect [1]
    Translational psychiatry [1]
    Translational sports medicine [1]
    Trends in neurosciences [1]
    Trials [1]
    Le trouble développemental du langage (TDL) : mise à jour interdisciplinaire [1]
    Trunk and glenohumeral joint adaptations to manual wheelchair propulsion over a cross-slope : an exploratory study [1]
    Twin research and human genetics [1]
    Ultrafast quantitative ultrasound and shear wave elastography imaging of in vivo duck fatty livers [1]
    Ultrasound in medicine and biology [1]
    Understanding atrial fibrillation : the signal processing contribution. Part II [1]
    Understanding LI-RADS : a primer for practical use [1]
    Uninflected structure in genetic dysphasic speech: evidence from French [1]