Now showing items 949-968 of 1135

    Titles index
    RadioGraphics [1]
    Radiology [4]
    Randomized clinical trial of multimodal physiotherapy treatment compared to overnight lidocaine ointment in women with provoked vestibulodynia: Design and methods [1]
    Randomized controlled trial of physiotherapy for postpartum stress incontinence : 7-year follow-up [1]
    A rare presentation of Klebsiella pneumoniae Endogenous Panophthalmitis with Optic Neuritis and Orbital Cellulitis from a Urinary Tract Infection [1]
    Reaching Innu and Atikamekw Youths in their communities: Future Healthcare Professionals Working Together [1]
    Real-time assessment of renal venous flow by transesophageal echography during cardiac surgery [1]
    Réalités en gynécologie-obstétrique [1]
    Reconstruction of phase maps from the configuration of phase singularities in two-dimensional manifolds [1]
    Redesigning neurorehabilitation services for children with acquired brain injury [1]
    Rééducation orthophonique post myoplastie d’allongement du temporal : une étude de trois patients [1]
    Reflective practice [1]
    Regularized ultrasound phantom-free local Attenuation Coefficient Slope (ACS) imaging in homogeneous and heterogeneous tissues [1]
    Rehabilitation needs for older adults with stroke living at home: perceptions of four populations [1]
    The Relation Between Depressive Symptoms and Semantic Memory in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment and in Late-Life Depression [1]
    Reliability and minimal detectable change of the mini-BESTest in adults with spinal cord injury in a rehabilitation setting [1]
    Reliability of a quantitative clinical posture assessment tool among persons with idiopathic scoliosis [1]
    Reliability of maximum isometric hip and knee torque measurements in children with cerebral palsy using a paediatric exoskeleton – Lokomat [1]
    Reliability of the kinematic theory parameters during handwriting tasks on a vertical setup [1]
    Remembering the pain of surgery 1 year later : a longitudinal examination of anxiety in children's pain memory development [1]