• Reciprocal Prospective Associations Between Depressive Symptoms and Perceived Relationship With Parents in Early Adolescence 

    Associations prospectives réciproques entre les symptômes dépressifs et la relation perçue avec les parents au début de l’adolescence
    Nault-Brière, Frédéric; Archambault, Kim; Janosz, Michel (2013-03)
    Objective: Adolescent depressive symptoms are associated with difficult family relationships. Family systems and interpersonal theories of depression suggest that this association could reflect a circular process in which symptoms and family functioning ...
  • Research on technological interventions for young children with autism spectrum disorders : a scoping review 

    Heng, Emily; Lanovaz, Marc; Beauregard, Alexia (Springer, 2020-06-29)
    Researchers have widely reported using technological interventions to support young children with autism spectrum disorder. Given the abundance and diversity of research on the topic, the authors conducted a scoping review of 158 studies published from ...
  • Rethinking compassion fatigue through the lens of professional identity : the case of child protection workers 

    Geoffrion, Steve; Morselli, Carlo; Guay, Stéphane (2016-07)
    Compassion fatigue is currently the dominant model in work-related stress studies that explain the consequences of caring for others on child-protection workers. Based on a deterministic approach, this model excludes the role of cognition a priori and ...
  • Revisiting the link between depression symptoms and high school dropout : timing of exposure matters 

    Dupéré, Véronique; Dion, Éric; Nault-Brière, Frédéric; Archambault, Isabelle; Leventhal, Tama; Lesage, Alain (Elsevier, 2017-11-28)
    Purpose Recent reviews concluded that past depression symptoms are not independently associated with high school dropout, a conclusion that could induce schools with high dropout rates and limited resources to consider depression screening, prevention, ...
  • Risk factors associated with driving after cannabis use among Canadian young adults 

    Huynh, Christophe; Beaulieu-Thibodeau, Alexis; Fallu, Jean-Sébastien; Bergeron, Jacques; Flores-Aranda, Jorge; Jacques, Alain; Brochu, Serge (SAGE, 2021-10-11)
    This study identifid the most prominent risk factors associated with driving after cannabis use (DACU). 1,126 Canadian drivers (17–35 years old) who have used cannabis in the past 12 months completed an online questionnaire about sociodemographic ...
  • Salivary cortisol and stereotypy in minimally verbal children with autism : a pilot study 

    Dufour, Marie-Michèle; Lanovaz, Marc; Plusquellec, Pierrich (Springer, 2022-08-30)
    Several studies have reported conflicting results when assessing associations between stress and repetitive behaviors in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Some factors that may have caused these discrepant results include the monitoring ...
  • Screening for psychological distress in healthcare workers using machine learning : a proof of concept 

    Geoffrion, Steve; Morse, Catherine; Dufour, Marie-Michèle; Bergeron, Nicolas; Guay, Stéphane; Lanovaz, Marc (Springer, 2023-11-16)
    The purpose of this study was to train and test preliminary models using two machine learning algorithms to identify healthcare workers at risk of developing anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The study included data from a ...
  • Le sentiment de compétence : modérateur du lien entre le QI et le rendement scolaire en mathématiques 

    Leclerc, Myriam; Larivée, Serge; Archambault, Isabelle; Janosz, Michel (2010)
    La présente étude a pour but de vérifier si le QI et le sentiment de compétence interagissent lorsque l’élève doit performer à l’école et si, en l’occurrence, cette interaction est à son tour modérée par l’âge et le sexe des participants. Afin de ...
  • Serotonin transporter promoter methylation in peripheral cells and neural responses to negative stimuli : a study of adolescent monozygotic twins 

    Ismaylova, Elmira; Lévesque, Melissa; Pomares, Florence B.; Szyf, Moshe; Nemoda, Zsofia; Fahim, Cherine; Vitaro, Frank; Brendgen, Mara; Dionne, Ginette; Boivin, Michel; Tremblay, Richard Ernest; Booij, Linda (Springer Nature, 2018-08-08)
    Several studies have examined associations between peripheral DNA methylation patterns of the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) promoter and symptoms of depression and anxiety. The SLC6A4 promoter methylation has also been associated with frontal-limbic ...
  • Social contagion and high school dropout : the role of friends, romantic partners, and siblings 

    Dupéré, Véronique; Dion, Éric; Cantin, Stéphane; Archambault, Isabelle; Lacourse, Éric (American Psychological Association, 2020-06-18)
    Social contagion theories suggest that adolescents in relationships with same-age high school dropouts should be at a greater risk of dropping out themselves. Yet, few studies have examined this premise, and none have considered all potentially influential ...
  • Some characteristics and arguments in favor of a science of machine behavior analysis 

    Lanovaz, Marc (Springer, 2022-03-31)
    Researchers and practitioners recognize four domains of behavior analysis: radical behaviorism, the experimental analysis of behavior, applied behavior analysis, and the practice of behavior analysis. Given the omnipresence of technology in every sphere ...
  • The spread of substance use and delinquency between adolescent twins 

    The spread of twin substance use and delinquency
    Laursen, Brett; Hartl, Amy C.; Vitaro, Frank; Brendgen, Mara; Dionne, Ginette; Boivin, Michel (American Psychological Association, 2017-02)
    This investigation examines the spread of problem behaviors (substance use and delinquency) between twin siblings. A sample of 628 twins (151 male twin pairs and 163 female twin pairs) drawn from the Quebec Newborn Twin Study completed inventories ...
  • Stressors and turning points in high school and dropout : a stress process, life course framework 

    Dupéré, Véronique; Leventhal, Tama; Dion, Éric; Crosnoe, Robert; Archambault, Isabelle; Janosz, Michel (2015-12)
    High school dropout is commonly seen as the result of a long-term process of failure and disengagement. As useful as it is, this view has obscured the heterogeneity of pathways leading to dropout. Research suggests, for instance, that some students ...
  • La synergologie, une lecture pseudoscientifique du langage corporel 

    Synergology, a pseudoscientific reading of body language
    Denault, Vincent; Larivée, Serge; Plouffe, D.; Plusquellec, Pierrich (Revue de psychoéducation (Université de Montréal. École de psychoéducation.), 2015-06)
    L’objectif du présent article est d’évaluer si la synergologie fait partie du domaine de la science ou si elle n’est qu’une pseudoscience du décodage du non-verbal. Le texte comprend cinq parties. Dans la première partie, nous décrivons des éléments ...
  • Systematic observation of barroom incidents in a large Montreal venue 

    Geoffrion, Steve; Felson, Marcus; Boivin, Rémi; Ouellet, Frédéric (2017-01-01)
    On the basis of previous studies by Macintyre and Homel and Winlow et al, this article utilizes systematic observation in order to describe and understand the pattern of incidents on a micro level – the barroom. Systematic observation combines ethnography ...
  • Traité de pensée magique pour jeunes adolescents 

    Wishfull thinking : an instruction manual for teenagers
    Larivée, Serge (Revue de psychoéducation (Université de Montréal. École de psychoéducation.), 2016-01)
    Au cours de ce texte, je présente d’abord le contenu du livre de Pierre Morency et de Valérie Fontaine, Demande et reçois, chapitre par chapitre. À l’aide d’une série d’affirmations fallacieuses, l’auteur tente de convaincre les jeunes adolescents ...
  • Tutorial : applying machine learning in behavioral research 

    Turgeon, Stéphanie; Lanovaz, Marc (Springer, 2020-11-10)
    Machine-learning algorithms hold promise for revolutionizing how educators and clinicians make decisions. However, researchers in behavior analysis have been slow to adopt this methodology to further develop their understanding of human behavior and ...
  • Tutorial : artificial neural networks to analyze single-case experimental designs 

    Lanovaz, Marc; Bailey, Jordan D. (American Psychological Association, 2022-07-07)
    Since the start of the 21st century, few advances have had as far-reaching impact in science as the widespread adoption of artificial neural networks in fields as diverse as fundamental physics, clinical medicine, and psychology. In research methods, ...
  • Twin classroom dilemma : to study together or separately? 

    White, Elaine K.; Garon-Carrier, Gabrielle; Tosto, Maria G.; Malykh, Sergey B.; Li, Xinying; Kiddle, Beata; Riglin, Lucy; Byrne, Brian; Dionne, Ginette; Brendgen, Mara; Vitaro, Frank; Tremblay, Richard Ernest; Boivin, Michel; Kovas, Yulia (American Psychological Association, 2018-07)
    There is little research to date on the academic implications of teaching twins in the same or different classroom. Consequently, it is not clear whether twin classroom separation is associated with positive or negative educational outcomes. As a result, ...
  • Twin’s birth-order differences in height and body mass index from birth to old age: a pooled study of 26 twin cohorts participated in the CODATwins project 

    Yokoyama, Yoshie; Jelenkovic, Aline; Sund, Reijo; Sung, Joohon; Hopper, John L.; Ooki, Syuichi; Heikkilä, Kauko; Aaltonen, Sari; Tarnoki, Adam D.; Tarnoki, David L.; Willemsen, Gonneke; Bartels, Meike; Van Beijsterveldt, Toos Cem; Saudino, Kimberly J.; Cutler, Tessa L.; Nelson, Tracy L.; Whitfield, Keith E.; Wardle, Jane; Llewellyn, Clare H.; Fisher, Abigail; He, Mingguang; Ding, Xiaohu; Bjerregaard-Andersen, Morten; Beck-Nielsen, Henning; Sodemann, Morten; Song, Yun-Mi; Yang, Sarah; Lee, Kayoung; Jeong, Hoe-Uk; Knafo-Noam, Ariel; Mankuta, David; Abramson, Lior; Burt, S. Alexandra; Klump, Kelly L.; Ordoñana, Juan R.; Sánchez-Romera, Juan F.; Colodro-Conde, Lucia; Harris, Jennifer R.; Brandt, Ingunn; Nilsen, Thomas Sevenius; Craig, Jeffrey M.; Saffery, Richard; Ji, Fuling; Ning, Feng; Pang, Zengchang; Dubois, Lise; Boivin, Michel; Brendgen, Mara; Dionne, Ginette; Vitaro, Frank; Martin, Nicholas G.; Medland, Sarah E.; Montgomery, Grant W.; Magnusson, Patrik KE; Pedersen, Nancy L.; Dahl Aslan, Anna K.; Tynelius, Per; Haworth, Claire MA; Plomin, Robert; Rebato, Esther; Rose, Richard J.; Goldberg, Jack H.; Rasmussen, Finn; Hur, Yoon-Mi; Sørensen, Thorkild IA; Boomsma, Dorret I.; Kaprio, Jaakko; Silventoinen, Karri (Australian Academic Press, 2016-04)
    We analyzed birth order differences in means and variances of height and body mass index (BMI) in monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins from infancy to old age. The data were derived from the international CODATwins database. The total number of ...
  • Typologies of Canadian young adults who drive after cannabis use : a two-step cluster analysis 

    Huynh, Christophe; Beaulieu-Thibodeau, Alexis; Fallu, Jean-Sébastien; Bergeron, Jacques; Jacques, Alain; Brochu, Serge (Wiley, 2022-01-31)
    Young adults that drive after cannabis use (DACU) may not share all the same characteristics. This study aimed to iden-tify typologies of Canadians who engage in DACU. About 910 cannabis users with a driver's license (17–35years old) who have ...
  • The use of restraint and seclusion in residential treatment care for youth : a systematic review of related factors and interventions 

    Roy, Camille; Castonguay, Ariane; Fortin, Maxime; Drolet, Christine; Franche-Choquette, Geneviève; Dumais, Alexandre; Lafortune, Denis; Bernard, Paquito; Geoffrion, Steve (SAGE, 2019-05-23)
    Children placed in residential treatment centers (RTCs) typically present challenging behavior including aggression. In this context, restraint and seclusion (R&S) are seen as “last resort” strategies for educators to manage youth aggression. The use ...
  • Using a visual structured criterion for the analysis of alternating-treatment designs 

    Visual structured criterion
    Lanovaz, Marc; Cardinal, Patrick; Francis, Mary (SAGE, 2019-01)
    Although visual inspection remains common in the analysis of single-case designs, the lack of agreement between raters is an issue that may seriously compromise its validity. Thus, the purpose of our study was to develop and examine the properties ...
  • Using AB designs with nonoverlap effect size measures to support clinical decision-making : a Monte Carlo validation 

    Giannakakos, Antonia R.; Lanovaz, Marc (SAGE, 2019-07-13)
    Single-case experimental designs often require extended baselines or the withdrawal of treatment, which may not be feasible or ethical in some practical settings. The quasi-experimental AB design is a potential alternative, but more research is needed ...
  • Using ABC narrative recording to identify the function of problem behavior: a pilot study 

    Lanovaz, Marc; Argumedes Charles, Malena; Roy, Dona; Duquette, Julie R.; Watkins, Nicholas (Elsevier, 2013)
    Many professionals report using ABC narrative recording to identify the function of problem behavior in children with developmental disabilities, but research has not established whether their analyses yield valid results. Thus, the purpose of this ...
  • Using computer tablets to assess preference for videos in children with autism 

    Assessing preference for videos
    Chebli, Sabine S.; Lanovaz, Marc (Springer, 2016)
    Using computer tablets, we assessed preference for videos in five children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Then, we provided access to most preferred and less preferred videos contingent on sitting on one of two chairs within a concurrent schedule ...
  • Using differential reinforcement of high rates of behavior to improve work productivity : a replication and extension 

    Differential reinforcement of high rates of behavior to increase work productivity in adults with intellectual disability
    McDuff, Emeline; Lanovaz, Marc; Morin, Diane; Vona, Mélissa; Kheloufi, Yasmine; Giannakakos, Antonia R. (Wiley, 2019-04-30)
    Background: Due to deficits in adaptive and cognitive functioning, productivity may pose challenges for individuals with intellectual disability in the workplace.Method: Using a changing‐criterion embedded in a multiple baseline across partici‐pants ...
  • Using interactive web training to teach parents to select function-based interventions for challenging behaviour : a preliminary study 

    Marleau, Brigitte; Lanovaz, Marc; Gendron, Alexie; Higbee, Thomas S.; Morin, Diane (Taylor & Francis, 2018-05-10)
    Background: Children with developmental disability often engage in challenging behaviour, which may require that parents implement behavioural assessments and interventions. The purpose of our pilot study was to examine the effects of an interactive ...
  • Using mobile technology to reduce engagement in stereotypy : a validation of decision-making algorithms 

    Mobile technology to reduce stereotypy
    Préfontaine, Isabelle; Lanovaz, Marc; McDuff, Emeline; McHugh, Catherine; Cook, Jennifer L. (SAGE, 2017-12)
    We developed an iOS app, the iSTIM, designed to support parents of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in reducing common repetitive vocal and motor behavior (i.e., stereotypy). The purpose of our study was to preliminarily test the ...
  • Using single-case designs in practical settings: Is replication always necessary? 

    Is within-subject replication always necessary?
    Lanovaz, Marc; Turgeon, Stéphanie; Cardinal, Patrick; Wheatley, Tara L. (Springer, 2018-05-17)
    Behavior analysts have widely adopted and embraced within-subject replication through the use of reversal and multielement designs. However, the withdrawal of treatment, which is central to these designs, may not be desirable, feasible, or even ethical ...
  • Using single-case experiments to support evidence-based decisions : how much is enough? 

    Single-case experimental designs
    Lanovaz, Marc; Rapp, John T. (Sage, 2016)
    For practitioners, the use of single-case experimental designs (SCEDs) in the research literature raises an important question: How many single-case experiments are enough to have sufficient confidence that an intervention will be effective with an ...
  • Using the dual-criteria methods to supplement visual inspection: An analysis of nonsimulated data 

    Dual-criteria methods 1
    Lanovaz, Marc; Huxley, Sarah C.; Dufour, Marie-Michèle (Wiley, 2017)
    The purpose of our study was to examine the probability of observing false positives in non-simulated data using the dual-criteria methods. We extracted data from published studies to produce a series of 16,927 datasets and then assessed the proportion ...
  • Using the prevent-teach-reinforce model to reduce challenging behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorder in home settings : a feasibility study 

    Argumedes Charles, Malena; Lanovaz, Marc; Larivee, Serge; Giannakakos, Antonia R. (Elsevier, 2021-05-26)
    Background. Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) often engage in high levels of challenging behaviors, which can be difficult to reduce for parents in home settings. The purpose of our study was to address this issue by examining the effects ...
  • L’Utilisation de devis expérimentaux à cas unique en psychoéducation 

    Using single-case experimental designs in psychoeducation
    Lanovaz, Marc (École de psychoéducation, 2013)
    L’une des opérations professionnelles de la psychoéducation, l’évaluation des résultats, consiste à effectuer un suivi continu des effets de l’intervention proposée par le psychoéducateur. Pour ce faire, les devis expérimentaux à cas unique ...
  • Vaccin RRO et autisme : la désinformation à l'œuvre 

    Sénéchal, Carole; Larivée, Serge; Richard, Engelbert; Robert, Yves (Revue de psychoéducation (Université de Montréal. École de psychoéducation.), 2004)
    L'objectif de ce texte est de faire le point sur la controverse soulevée par Wakefield et ses collaborateurs concernant l'effet du vaccin RRO à titre de déclencheur éventuel d'une forme d'autisme. Après avoir présenté les travaux de Wakefield et ...
  • Validation de la version française canadienne du Perception of Prevalence of Aggression Scale auprès d’un échantillon d’intervenants en protection de la jeunesse 

    Geoffrion, Steve; Giguère, Charles-Édouard; Fortin, Mélissa; Fortin, Christophe; Guay, Stéphane (Revue de psychoéducation (Université de Montréal. École de psychoéducation.), 2017)
    Objectif. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer la validité de construit de la version française de l’échelle Perception Of Prevalence of Aggression Scale (POPAS), un questionnaire auto-rapporté mesurant l’exposition à la violence au travail commise ...
  • Validation of an adapted procedure to collect hair for cortisol determination in adolescents 

    Adaption of the collection protocol for hair cortisol determination
    Ouellet-Morin, Isabelle; Laurin, Mélissa; Robitaille, Marie-Pier; Brendgen, Mara; Lupien, Sonia; Boivin, Michel; Vitaro, Frank (Elsevier, 2016-08)
    Introduction In the last decades, cortisol has been extensively studied in association to early exposure to adversity as well as in the etiology of a number of physical and mental problems. While saliva and blood samples allow the measurement of ...
  • The validity of the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) among Australian adolescents 

    Newton, Nicola C.; Barrett, Emma L.; Castellanos Ryan, Natalie; Kelly, Erin; Champion, Katrina E.; Stapinski, Lexine; Conrod, Patricia; Slade, Tim; Nair, Natasha; Teesson, Maree (Elsevier, 2016-02)
    Aims: This study investigated the validity of a brief personality screening measure for substance use in adolescents, the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS), among Australian adolescents. Design and participants: A total of 527 adolescents (mean ...
  • Waiting for baseline stability in single-case designs : is it worth the time and effort? 

    Lanovaz, Marc; Primian, Rachel (Springer, 2022-04-25)
    Researchers and practitioners often use single-case designs (SCDs), or n-of-1 trials, to develop and validate novel treatments. Standards and guidelines have been published to provide guidance as to how to implement SCDs, but many of their recommendations ...
  • Why do extracurricular activities prevent dropout more effectively in some high schools than in others? : a mixed-method examination of organizational dynamics 

    McCabe, Julie; Dupéré, Véronique; Dion, Éric; Thouin, Éliane; Archambault, Isabelle; Dufour, Sarah; Denault, Anne-Sophie; Leventhal, Tama; Crosnoe, Robert (Taylor and Francis, 2018-07-24)
    This study describes policies and practices implemented in 12 high schools (Quebec, Canada) that more or less effectively leveraged extracurricular activities (ECA) to prevent dropout among vulnerable students. Following an explanatory sequential mixed ...
  • Worker and perceived team climate factors influence the use of restraint and seclusion in youth residential treatment centers : results from a mixed-method longitudinal study 

    Geoffrion, Steve; Lamothe, Josianne; Fraser, Sarah; Lafortune, Denis; Dumais, Alexandre (Elsevier, 2020-11-26)
    Background Restraint and seclusion (R&S) are controversial methods of intervention aimed at protecting children from immediate harm in residential treatment centers (RTC). Previous studies have mainly focused on situational factors and youth characteristics ...