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Browsing Faculté des arts et des sciences – École de psychoéducation – Travaux et publications by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 187
Academic, socioeconomic and interpersonal consequences of cannabis use : a narrative review
(Taylor and Francis, 2021-04-05)This article reviews the literature on the association between cannabis use (CU) and psychosocial functioning, operationalized here as academic achievement, economic prospects, social relationships and quality of life. So far, study results have been ... -
Acute and chronic stress among workers in residential treatment centers for youth : effects on restraint and seclusion
(Elsevier, 2020-08-29)Workers in residential treatment centers for youth are often victims of violence, including verbally and physically aggressive behavior. Restraint and seclusion (R&S) are the last-resort methods used by residential workers to deal with the aggressive ... -
Adaptation and validation of the life events and difficulties schedule for use with high school dropouts
(Wiley, 2016-11-16)The Life Events and Difficulties Schedule (LEDS) is considered the standard for measuring psychosocial stressor exposure, but it has not been used with academically at-risk adolescents, including high school dropouts. The goal of this study was to (1) ... -
Adolescent cannabis use, change in neurocognitive function, and High-School Graduation : a longitudinal study from early adolescence to young adulthood
(Cambridge University Press, 2017-10)The main objective of this prospective longitudinal study was to investigate bidirectional associations between adolescent cannabis use (CU) and neurocognitive performance in a community sample of 294 young men from ages 13 to 20 years. The results ... -
Adolescent Illicit Drug Use and Subsequent Academic and Psychosocial Adjustment : an Examination of Socially-Mediated Pathways
(2014-02)Background: Questions remain regarding the consequences of illicit drug use on adolescent adjustment and the nature of mechanisms that may explain these consequences. In this study, we examined whether early-onset illicit drug use predicts subsequent ... -
Adolescent suicide attempts and adult adjustment
(2015-04)Background: Adolescent suicide attempts are disproportionally prevalent and frequently of low severity, raising questions regarding their long-term prognostic implications. In this study, we examined whether adolescent attempts were asso- ciated ... -
Adolescent Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms : co-development of Behavioral and Academic Problems
(2015-09)Purpose: Increasing evidence suggests the existence of heterogeneity in the development of depressive symptoms during adolescence, but little remains known regarding the implications of this heterogeneity for the development of commonly co-occurring ... -
Aggression can be contagious : longitudinal associations between proactive aggression and reactive aggression among young twins
(Wiley, 2015-09)The present study examined sibling influence over reactive and proactive aggression in a sample of 452 same‐sex twins (113 male dyads, 113 female dyads). Between and within siblings influence processes were examined as a function of relative levels of ... -
Aggressive incidents inside a Montreal barroom involving patrons, barmaids and bouncers : a micro level examination of routine activity theory
(2015-05)Objectives: This article further examines the phenomenon of aggression inside barrooms by relying on the “bouncer-ethnographer” methodology. The objective is to investigate variations in aggression through time and space according to the role and ... -
Agreement between visual inspection and objective analysis methods : a replication and extension
(Wiley, 2022-04-27)Behavior analysts typically rely on visual inspection of single-case experimental designs to make treatment decisions. However, visual inspection is subjective, which has led to the development of supplemental objective methods such as the conservative ... -
Les aides-enseignants (AE) : un service utile et controversé en adaptation scolaire
(2011)Depuis leur création en 1994, les conseils scolaires francophones de l’Alberta ont élaboré un modèle de service basé sur un recours aux aides-enseignants (AE). Cette façon de faire n’est pas sans conséquence, puisque le recours systématique aux AE ... -
Application du renforcement non contingent pour réduire les comportements problématiques chez les personnes ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme
Applying noncontingent reinforcement to reduce problem behaviour in individuals with an autism spectrum disorder
(École de psychoéducation, 2012)Le renforcement non contingent (RNC) est une intervention basée sur des données probantes pour réduire les comportements problématiques chez les personnes ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA). L’intervention implique de donner à ces ... -
L’approche comportementale en psychoéducation
(Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2020-09-21) -
Artificial intelligence for the measurement of vocal stereotypy
(Wiley, 2020-11-03)Both researchers and practitioners often rely on direct observation to measure and monitor behavior. When these behaviors are too complex or numerous to be measured in vivo, relying on direct observation using human observers increases the amount of ... -
Assessment and treatment of stereotypy in an individual with Cornelia de Lange syndrome and deafblindness
(Taylor & Francis, 2014)Background Several researchers have reduced engagement in stereotypy in individuals with intellectual disability and deafblindness using interventions containing a punishment component. The purpose of our study was to examine whether we could produce ... -
Associations between daily mood states and brain gray matter volume, resting-state functional connectivity and task-based activity in healthy adults
(Frontiers Media, 2018-05-01)Numerous studies have shown differences in the functioning in the areas of the frontal-limbic circuitry between depressed patients and controls. However, current knowledge on frontal-limbic neural substrates of individual differences in mood states in ... -
Associations between mother-child relationship quality and adolescent adjustment : using a genetically controlled design to determine the direction and magnitude of effects
(Sage, 2016-05)This study used a genetically controlled design to examine the direction and the magnitude of effects in the over-time associations between perceived relationship quality with mothers and adolescent maladjustment (i.e., depressive symptoms and ... -
Associations between peer victimization and suicidal ideation and suicide attempt during adolescence : results from a prospective population-based birth cohort
(Elsevier, 2015-11-26)Objective:To test whether adolescents who are victim-ized by peers are at heightened risk for suicidal ideationand suicide attempt, using both cross-sectional andprospective investigations.Method:Participants are from the Quebec LongitudinalStudy ... -
Associations between sibling relationship quality and friendship quality in early adolescence : looking at the case of twins
Sibling relationship and friendship quality
(Cambridge University Press, 2016-04)Bidirectional pathways between twin relationship quality and friendship quality were investigated in a large longitudinal twin cohort. We examined negative and positive relationship features in 313 monozygotic (MZ) twins and 238 same-sex dizygotic (DZ) ...