Voici les éléments 257-276 de 316

    Index des titres
    S'inspirer de Roger T. Pédauque [1]
    Scholarly use of social media and altmetrics : a review of the literature [1]
    Science advances [1]
    Science and engineering ethics [2]
    Science and public policy [1]
    Sciences, technologies et sociétés de A à Z [5]
    Scientia Canadensis : Canadian journal of the history of science, technology and medicine = Scientia Canadensis : revue canadienne d'histoire des sciences, des techniques et de la médecine [1]
    Scientific collaboration and high-technology exchanges among BRICS and G-7 countries [1]
    Scientific mobility indicators in practice : international mobility profiles at the country level [1]
    Scientific publications and patenting by companies : a study of the whole population of Canadian firms over 25 years [1]
    Scientists popularizing science : characteristics and impact of TED talk presenters [1]
    Scientometrics [10]
    Self-selected or mandated, open access increases citation impact for higher quality research [1]
    Séminaire du Groupe d'archivistes de la région de Montréal (GARM) : L’archivistique au Québec : horizon 2015 [1]
    Les sept piliers de l’économie du document [1]
    Les services jeunesse des bibliothèques publiques québécoises : une prestation à plusieurs mains [1]
    A simple proposal for the publication of journal citation distributions [1]
    A small world of citations? : the influence of collaboration networks on citation practices [1]
    Social media in scholarly communication : a review of the literature and empirical analysis of Twitter use by SSHRC doctoral award recipients [1]
    Social science information [1]