Now showing items 151-170 of 316

    Titles index
    Illusions of a ‘Bond’: Tagging cultural products across online platforms [1]
    The impact factor’s Matthew Effect : a natural experiment in bibliometrics [1]
    Improving reproducibility in machine learning research : a report from the NeurIPS 2019 reproducibility program [1]
    In their own image? : a comparison of doctoral students' and faculty members' referencing behavior [1]
    Incentives and performance: governance of knowledge-intensive organizations [1]
    L’incommensurable économie des bibliothèques [1]
    Les influences disciplinaires de la criminologie (1991-2014) [1]
    Information technology [1]
    The institutionalized stratification of the Chinese higher education system [1]
    Interdisciplinarité [1]
    International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2019) [1]
    International journal of performance arts and digital media [1]
    L’internationalisation de la recherche scientifique québécoise : comparaisons nationales, disciplinaires et effets de sexe, 1980-2005 [1]
    Introduction - Permanence et changements [1]
    Introduction : Comprendre et maîtriser la redocumentarisation du monde [1]
    Introduction : Crossing Digital Thresholds on the Paratextual Tightrope [1]
    Introduction aux sciences de l’information [2]
    Investigating the division of scientific labor using the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) [1]
    Is it such a big deal? On the cost of journal use in the digital era [1]
    Is science built on the shoulders of women? : a study of gender differences in contributorship [1]