Now showing items 975-994 of 1798

    Titles index
    The L&E of Intellectual Property – Do we get maximum innovation with the current regime? [1]
    À la défense du réseau collégial [1]
    À la recherche d'une définition de la destination de l'immeuble en copropriété divise au Québec [1]
    À la recherche d'une règle générale régissant les clauses abusives en droit québécois [1]
    À la recherche d’une diversité dans l’unité : l e passé, le présent et l’avenir de la Chine multiethnique [1]
    Labour Migration Program Declared a "Modern Form of Slavery" under Constitutional Review : Employer-Tying Measure's Impact vs Mythical "Harm Reduction" Policies [1]
    The Lack of Credibility on the Web and Its Legal Ramifications Under Quebec’s Consumer Protection Act [1]
    The Lack of Credibility on the Web and its Ramifications Under Quebec’s Consumer Protection Act [1]
    Les lacunes du droit relatif au mouvement transfrontière des déchets dangereux : illustration à l’aide de l’affaire Probo Koala en Côte d’Ivoire [1]
    Law and Economics for Civil Law Systems - Introduction [1]
    The law and economics of good faith in the civil law of contract [1]
    The Law and Economics of the Civil Law of Mandate [1]
    Law Commission of Canada : perspectives on legislation [1]
    Law in the present future : approaching the legal imaginary of smart cities with science (and) fiction [1]
    The Law of the Ecosystem: Evolution of Governance in the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River Basin [1]
    The law of trusts : a contextual approach [1]
    Law, religion, and physician-assistance to suicide : the roles of christianity in north american judicial dignified death debates [1]
    The Law-Finding Function of the American Jury [1]
    The laws of Britannia : an application of Lessig's framework to a virtual community [1]
    Lawyers as gatekeepers [1]