Now showing items 1-3 of 3

  • Elicited and spontaneous determiner phrase production in french-speaking children with developmental language disorder 

    Production induite et spontanée de syntagmes nominaux (determiner phrase) chez les enfants francophones ayant un trouble développemental du langage
    Royle, Phaedra; Reising, Lena (Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists = Association canadienne des orthophonistes et audiologistes, 2019)
    We contrast elicitation and spontaneous speech data in French-speaking children with developmental language disorder and controls, with a focus on determiner phrase and gender agreement. Eight French-speaking children with developmental language ...
  • A pilot study on the Mirror Effect PLUS protocol : a standardized and adapted facial rehabilitation for acute Bell’s palsy 

    = Post lengthening temporalis myoplasty facial rehabilitation by speech-language pathologists : a study of three patients
    Mirror effect PLUS protocol for acute Bell’s palsy
    Martineau, Sarah; Martel-Sauvageau, Vincent; Piette, Éric; Rahal, Akram; Chouinard, Anne-Marie; Marcotte, Karine (Canadian association of speech-language pathologists and audiologists, 2020-01)
    Combining early facial exercises with medication may help patients with acute Bell’s palsy recover significantly faster and better than patients treated with medication alone. To date, exercise therapy in acute Bell’s palsy consists mostly of ...
  • Rééducation orthophonique post myoplastie d’allongement du temporal : une étude de trois patients 

    = Post lengthening temporalis myoplasty facial rehabilitation by speech-language pathologists : a study of three patients
    Martineau, Sarah; Rahal, Akram; Dufour-Fournier, Catherine; Marcotte, Karine (Canadian association of speech-language pathologists and audiologists, 2018)
    La myoplastie d’allongement du temporal est une chirurgie qui vise à restaurer le sourire chez les patients ayant une paralysie faciale périphérique irréversible. Le muscle temporal est détaché dans sa partie haute et rattaché à la commissure labiale. ...