Now showing items 1-20 of 41

  • Aging and language : maintenance of morphological representations in older adults 

    Royle, Phaedra; Steinhauer, Karsten; Dessureault, Émie; Herbay, Alexandre C.; Brambati, Simona Maria (Frontiers media, 2019-05-15)
    Studies employing primed lexical decision tasks have revealed morphological facilitation effects in children and young adults. It is unknown if this effect is preserved or diminished in older adults. In fact, only few studies have investigated ...
  • Altered gray matter structural covariance networks in early stages of Alzheimer's disease 

    Montembeault, Maxime; Rouleau, Isabelle; Provost, Jean-Sébastien; Brambati, Simona Maria (Oxford University Press, 2015-05-20)
    Clinical symptoms observed in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients may reflect variations within specific large-scale brain networks, modeling AD as a disconnection syndrome. The present magnetic resonance imaging study aims to compare the organization ...
  • Anatomical correlates of early mutism in progressive nonfluent aphasia 

    Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa; Ogar, Jennifer M.; Brambati, Simona Maria; Wang, P.; Jeong, Je Hoon; Rankin, Katherine P.; Dronkers, Nina; Miller, Bruce L. (American Academy of Neurology, 2006)
    Patients with progressive nonfluent aphasia (PNFA) can become mute early in the course of the disease. Voxel-based morphometry showed that PNFA is associated with left anterior insula and inferior frontal atrophy. In PNFA with early mutism, volume ...
  • The anatomy of category-specific object naming in neurodegenerative diseases 

    Brambati, Simona Maria; Myers, D.; Wilson, A.; Rankin, Katherine P.; Allison, Stephen C.; Rosen, Howard J.; Miller, Bruce L.; Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2006)
    Neuropsychological studies suggest that knowledge about living and nonliving objects is processed in separate brain regions. However, lesion and functional neuroimaging studies have implicated different areas. To address this issue, we used voxel-based ...
  • Atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease and semantic dementia : an ALE meta-analysis of voxel-based morphometry studies 

    Chapleau, Marianne; Aldebert, Joséphine; Montembeault, Maxime; Brambati, Simona Maria (IOS Press, 2016)
    Background/Objectives: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and semantic dementia (SD) have distinct episodic memory profiles despite the hippocampal atrophy that characterizes both diseases. The aim of this study was to delineate the pattern of gray matter (GM) ...
  • Atrophy, metabolism and cognition in posterior cortical atrophy spectrum based on AD CSF biomarkers 

    Montembeault, Maxime; Brambati, Simona Maria; Lamari, Foudil; Michon, Agnès; Samri, Dalila; Epelbaum, Stéphane; Lacomblez, Lucette; Lehéricy, Stéphane; Habert, Marie-Odile; Dubois, Bruno; Kas, Aurélie; Migliaccio, Raffaella (Elsevier, 2018-10-10)
    Introduction In vivo clinical, anatomical and metabolic differences between posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) patients presenting with different Alzheimer's disease (AD) cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers profiles are still unknown. Methods Twenty-seven ...
  • The challenge of mapping the human connectome based on diffusion tractography 

    Maier-Hein, Klaus H.; Boré, Arnaud; Pinsard, Basile; Bedetti, Christophe; Desrosiers, Mathieu; Brambati, Simona Maria; Doyon, Julien; Descoteaux, Maxime (Nature research, 2017-11-07)
    Tractography based on non-invasive diffusion imaging is central to the study of human brain connectivity. To date, the approach has not been systematically validated in ground truth studies. Based on a simulated human brain data set with ground truth ...
  • Clinical, anatomical and pathological features in the three variants of primary progressive aphasia : a review 

    Montembeault, Maxime; Brambati, Simona Maria; Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa; Migliaccio, Raffaella (Frontiers media, 2018-08-21)
    Primary progressive aphasias (PPA) are neurodegenerative diseases clinically characterized by an early and relatively isolated language impairment. Three main clinical variants, namely the nonfluent/agrammatic variant (nfvPPA), the semantic variant ...
  • Comprehension of concrete and abstract words in semantic variant primary progressive aphasia and Alzheimer’s disease: a behavioral and neuroimaging study 

    Joubert, Sven; Vallet, Guillaume; Montembeault, Maxime; Boukadi, Mariem; Wilson, Maximiliano A.; Laforce, Robert Jr.; Rouleau, Isabelle; Brambati, Simona Maria (2017-04-20)
    The aim of this study was to investigate the comprehension of concrete, abstract and abstract emotional words in semantic variant primary progressive aphasia (svPPA), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and healthy elderly adults (HE) Three groups of participants ...
  • Connected speech features from picture description in Alzheimer's disease: a systematic review 

    Slegers, Antoine; Filiou, Renée-Pier; Montembeault, Maxime; Brambati, Simona Maria (IOS Press, 2018-08-21)
    The language changes that occur over the course of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) can impact communication abilities and have profound functional consequences. Picture description tasks can be used to approximate everyday communication abilities of AD patients. ...
  • Connected speech markers of amyloid burden in primary progressive aphasia 

    Slegers, Antoine; Chafouleas, Geneviève; Montembeault, Maxime; Bedetti, Christophe; Welch, Ariane E.; Rabinovici, Gil D.; Langlais, Philippe; Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa; Brambati, Simona Maria (Elsevier, 2021-10-07)
    INTRODUCTION Positron emission tomography (PET) amyloid imaging has become an important part of the diagnostic workup for patients with primary progressive aphasia (PPA) and uncertain underlying pathology. Here, we employ a semi-automated analysis of ...
  • Cross-sectional analysis of picture descriptions of healthy young and older adults 

    Boucher, Johémie; Slegers, Antoine; Brambati, Simona Maria (Université de Montréal, 2019)
    It is poorly understood whether and how normal aging affects different aspects of connected speech production, such as fluency, informativity, efficiency, and vocabulary use. The present study crosssectionally investigates the effects of age on a broad ...
  • Deformation-based shape analysis of the hippocampus in the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia and Alzheimer’s disease 

    Chapleau, Marianne; Bedetti, Christophe; Devenyi, Gabriel A.; Sheldon, Signy; Rosen, Howard J.; Miller, Bruce L.; Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa; Chakravarty, Mallar M.; Brambati, Simona Maria (Elsevier, 2020-06-03)
    Background Increasing evidence shows that the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia (svPPA) is characterized by hippocampal atrophy. However, less is known about disease-related morphological hippocampal changes. The goal of the present study ...
  • Differential involvement of the anterior temporal lobes in famous people semantics 

    Chedid, Georges; Wilson, Maximiliano A.; Provost, Jean-Sébastien; Joubert, Sven; Rouleau, Isabelle; Brambati, Simona Maria (Frontiers media, 2016-08-30)
    The ability to recognize a famous person occurs through semantic memory. Previous neuroimaging studies have shown that the anterior temporal lobes (ATLs) are involved in the recognition of famous people. However, it is still a matter of debate ...
  • Differential language network functional connectivity alterations in Alzheimer's disease and the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia 

    Montembeault, Maxime; Chapleau, Marianne; Jarret, Julien; Boukadi, Mariem; Laforce, Robert Jr.; Wilson, Maximiliano A.; Rouleau, Isabelle; Brambati, Simona Maria (Elsevier, 2019-04-03)
    Patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and semantic variant primary progressive aphasia (svPPA) can present with similar language impairments, mainly in naming. It has been hypothesized that these deficits are associated with different brain mechanisms ...
  • Evidence of a relation between hippocampal volume, white matter hyperintensities, and cognition in subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment 

    Caillaud, Marie; Hudon, Carol; Boller, Benjamin; Brambati, Simona Maria; Duchesne, Simon; Lorrain, Dominique; Gagnon, Jean-François; Maltezos, Samantha; Mellah, Samira; Phillips, Natalie; Consortium for the early identification of Alzheimer’s Disease-Quebec; Belleville, Sylvie (Oxford University Press, 2019-10-26)
    Objective: The concepts of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and subjective cognitive decline (SCD) have been proposed to identify individuals in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), or other neurodegenerative diseases. One approach to validate ...
  • Evidence of white matter changes on diffusion tensor imaging in frontotemporal dementia 

    Borroni, Barbara; Brambati, Simona Maria; Agosti, Chiara; Gipponi, Stefano; Bellelli, Giuseppe; Gasparotti, Roberto; Garibotto, Valentina; Di Luca, Monica; Scifo, Paola; Perani, Daniela; Padovani, Alessandro (American Medical Association, 2007)
    BACKGROUND: Two major clinical variants of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) have been described: frontal variant (fvFTD) and temporal variant (tvFTD). OBJECTIVE: To analyze white matter (WM) and gray matter (GM) tissue organization in patients with ...
  • Functional changes in the cortical semantic network in amnestic mild cognitive impairment 

    Pineault, Jessica; Jolicoeur, Pierre; Grimault, Stephan; Bermudez, Patrick; Brambati, Simona Maria; Lacombe, Jacinthe; Villalpando, Juan Manuel; Kergoat, Marie-Jeanne (American Psychological Association, 2018-05)
    Semantic memory impairment has been documented in older individuals with amnestic Mild cognitive impairment (aMCI), who are at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD), yet little is known about the neural basis of this breakdown. The main objective ...
  • Functional network and structural connections involved in picture naming 

    Jarret, Julien; Ferré, Perrine; Chedid, Georges; Bedetti, Christophe; Boré, Arnaud; Joanette, Yves; Rouleau, Isabelle; Brambati, Simona Maria (Elsevier, 2022-06-13)
    We mapped the left hemisphere cortical regions and fiber bundles involved in picture naming in adults by integrating task-based fMRI with dMRI tractography. We showed that a ventral pathway that “maps image and sound to meaning” involves the middle ...
  • The logopenic/phonological variant of primary progressive aphasia 

    Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa; Brambati, Simona Maria; Ginex, Valeria; Ogar, Jennifer M.; Dronkers, Nina; Marcone, Alessandra; Perani, Daniela; Garibotto, Valentina; Cappa, Stefano F.; Miller, Bruce L. (American Academy of Neurology, 2008)
    Objective: Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is characterized by isolated decline in language functions. Semantic dementia and progressive nonfluent aphasia are accepted PPA variants. A “logopenic” variant (LPA) has also been proposed, but its cognitive ...