• Biomarkers of dementia in obstructive sleep apnea 

    Baril, Andrée-Ann; Carrier, Julie; Lafrenière, Alexandre; Warby, Simon; Poirier, Judes; Osorio, Ricardo S.; Ayas, Najib; Dubé, Marie-Pierre; Petit, Dominique; Gosselin, Nadia; Canadian Sleep and Circadian Network (Elsevier, 2018-08-13)
    Epidemiologic and mechanistic evidence is increasingly supporting the notion that obstructive sleep apnea is a risk factor for dementia. Hence, the identification of patients at risk of cognitive decline due to obstructive sleep apnea may significantly ...
  • Comprendre le stade compensatoire de la maladie d'Alzheimer et agir pour promouvoir la cognition et la plasticité cérébrale 

    Belleville, Sylvie; Boller, Benjamin (Canadian Psychological Association, 2016)
    La maladie d’Alzheimer commence par une phase de trouble cognitif léger (TCL), caractérisée par la présence de symptômes mineurs ayant peu ou pas d’impact sur l’autonomie fonctionnelle. L’étude de patients souffrant d’un TCL a permis des avancées ...
  • The impact of time and repeated exposure on famous person knowledge in amnestic Mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease 

    Benoit, Sophie; Rouleau, Isabelle; Langlois, Roxane; Dostie, Valérie; Kergoat, Marie-Jeanne; Joubert, Sven (2017)
    Objective: Famous people knowledge has been shown to be impaired early in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI). However, the question of whether recently acquired knowledge is more impaired than remotely acquired ...
  • Reduced rapid eye movement sleep in late middle-aged and older apolipoprotein E ɛ4 allele carriers 

    André, Claire; Martineau-Dussault, Marie-Ève; Baril, Andrée-Ann; Marchi, Nicola Andrea; Daneault, Véronique; Lorrain, Dominique; Hudon, Carol; Bastien, Célyne; Petit, Dominique; Thompson, Cynthia; Poirier, Judes; Montplaisir, Jacques-Yves; Gosselin, Nadia; Carrier, Julie (Oxford University Press, 2024-04-18)
    Study Objectives Apolipoprotein E ɛ4 (APOE4) is the strongest genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In addition, APOE4 carriers may exhibit sleep disturbances, but conflicting results have been reported, such that there is no clear consensus ...
  • REM sleep is associated with the volume of the cholinergic basal forebrain in aMCI individuals 

    André, Claire; Martineau‑Dussault, Marie‑Ève; Daneault, Véronique; Blais, Hélène; Frenette, Sonia; Lorrain, Dominique; Hudon, Carol; Bastien, Célyne; Petit, Dominique; Lafrenière, Alexandre; Thompson, Cynthia; Montplaisir, Jacques-Yves; Gosselin, Nadia; Carrier, Julie (BMC, 2023-09-08)
    Background Rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep highly depends on the activity of cholinergic basal forebrain (BF) neurons and is reduced in Alzheimer’s disease. Here, we investigated the associations between the volume of BF nuclei and REM sleep ...
  • Single and Multiple Domain Amnestic MCI: two sides of the same coin? 

    Single- and multiple-domain amnestic mild cognitive impairment: two sides of the same coin?
    Brambati, Simona Maria; Belleville, Sylvie; Kergoat, Marie-Jeanne; Chayer, Céline; Gauthier, Serge; Joubert, Sven (2009)
    Background. Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI) is considered a transition stage between normal aging and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Two main clinical subtypes of aMCI have been identified: 1) aMCI single domain (aMCI-SD), with isolated ...
  • Sleep slow waves’ negative-to-positive-phase transition : a marker of cognitive and apneic status in aging 

    Lafrenière, Alexandre; Lina, Jean-Marc; Hernandez, Jimmy; Bouchard, Maude; Gosselin, Nadia; Carrier, Julie (Oxford University Press, 2022-10-11)
    The sleep slow-wave (SW) transition between negative and positive phases is thought to mirror synaptic strength and likely depends on brain health. This transition shows signifcant age-related changes but has not been investigated in pathological ...
  • Vulnerability to semantic and phonological interference in normal aging and amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI) 

    Chasles, Marie-Joëlle; Joubert, Sven; Cole, Jessica; Delage, Émilie; Rouleau, Isabelle (American Psychological Association, 2024)
    Objective: To determine whether the increased vulnerability to semantic interference previously observed in amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) is specifically associated with semantic material or if it also affects other types of material, ...