Voici les éléments 219-238 de 366

    Index des titres
    The logopenic/phonological variant of primary progressive aphasia [1]
    Longitudinal associations of cannabis, depression, and anxiety in heterosexual and LGB adolescents [1]
    Longitudinal gray matter contraction in three variants of primary progressive aphasia : a tensor-based morphometry study [1]
    A longitudinal investigation of sleep and daytime wakefulness in children and youth with concussion [1]
    Maternal mind-mindedness and children’s school readiness: A longitudinal study of developmental processes [1]
    Maternal psychosocial maladjustment and child internalizing symptoms: Investigating the modulating role of maternal sensitivity [1]
    A MEG study of the neural substrates of semantic processing in semantic variant primary progressive aphasia [1]
    Memory [1]
    Memory for public events in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease : the importance of rehearsal [1]
    Menopause [1]
    Merrill-Palmer quarterly [1]
    Mindful parenting programs in non-clinical contexts : a qualitative review of child outcomes and programs, and recommendations for future research [1]
    A mindfulness-based intervention pilot easibility study for elementary school students with severe learning difficulties : effects on internalized and externalized symptoms from an emotional regulation perspective [1]
    Moderate to severe acute pain disturbs motor cortex intracortical inhibition and facilitation in orthopedic trauma patients : a TMS study [1]
    Moderation of parenting by inhibitory control in the prediction of the common and unique variance of hyperactivity-impulsivity and inattention [1]
    Molecular neurodegeneration [1]
    Monographs of the society for research in child development [1]
    Mother–infant interaction and child brain morphology : a multidimensional approach to maternal sensitivity [1]
    Motivation and emotion [1]
    Movement disorders [1]