À compter du 6 février, nous devrons procéder à une interruption temporaire du dépôt de documents dans Papyrus, y compris les thèses et mémoires, le temps d’effectuer une migration de la plateforme vers le service de dépôt institutionnel canadien Scholaris. Le jeudi 6 février, le site sera inaccessible à partir de 7h00 et il sera de retour en fin d’après-midi. Par la suite, tout le contenu de Papyrus sera accessible durant les travaux qui devraient durer environ deux semaines. Pour toute question, contactez depot@bib.umontreal.ca -------- As of February 6, we will be temporarily suspending the deposit of documents in Papyrus, including theses and dissertations, while we migrate the platform to the Canadian institutional deposit service Scholaris. On Thursday February 6, the site will be inaccessible from 7:00 a.m. until late afternoon. Afterwards, all Papyrus content will be accessible during the work, which is expected to last around two weeks. If you have any questions, please contact depot@bib.umontreal.ca

Now showing items 758-777 of 1479

    Titles index
    Lagrangian-based methods for single and multi-layer multicommodity capacitated network design [1]
    Lagrangian-informed mixed integer programming reformulations [1]
    Large state spaces and self-supervision in reinforcement learning [1]
    Latent data augmentation and modular structure for improved generalization [1]
    Latent variable language models [1]
    A layered JavaScript virtual machine supporting dynamic instrumentation [1]
    Learned interpreters : structural and learned systematicity in neural networks for program execution [1]
    Learning a graph made of boolean function nodes : a new approach in machine learning [1]
    Learning and planning with noise in optimization and reinforcement learning [1]
    Learning and time : on using memory and curricula for language understanding [1]
    Learning competitive ensemble of information-constrained primitives [1]
    Learning discrete word embeddings to achieve better interpretability and processing efficiency [1]
    Learning neural ordinary differential equations for optimal control [1]
    Learning optimizers for communication-efficient distributed learning [1]
    Learning representations for Information Retrieval [1]
    Learning representations for reasoning : generalizing across diverse structures [1]
    Learning to compare nodes in branch and bound with graph neural networks [1]
    Learning to sample from noise with deep generative models [1]
    Learning visual representations with neural networks for video captioning and image generation [1]
    Learning-Based Matheuristic Solution Methods for Stochastic Network Design [1]