Now showing items 1-4 of 4

  • Heterotachy and long-branch attraction in phylogenetics 

    Philippe, Hervé; Zhou, Yan; Brinkmann, Henner; Rodrigue, Nicolas; Delsuc, Frédéric (2005)
    BACKGROUND:Probabilistic methods have progressively supplanted the Maximum Parsimony (MP) method for inferring phylogenetic trees. One of the major reasons for this shift was that MP is much more sensitive to the Long Branch Attraction (LBA) artefact ...
  • Overview of the First Phylogenomics Conference 

    Philippe, Hervé; Blanchette, Mathieu (2007)
    The First Phylogenomics Conference was held in Ste-Adèle (Québec, Canada) in March 2006. Selected papers appear in this special issue of BMC Evolutionary Biology. Here, we give an introduction to the field and provide an overview of the articles presented ...
  • SCaFoS: a tool for Selection, Concatenation and Fusion of Sequences for phylogenomics 

    Roure, Béatrice; Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, Naiara; Philippe, Hervé (2007)
    BACKGROUND:Phylogenetic analyses based on datasets rich in both genes and species (phylogenomics) are becoming a standard approach to resolve evolutionary questions. However, several difficulties are associated with the assembly of large datasets, such ...
  • Suppression of long-branch attraction artefacts in the animal phylogeny using a site-heterogeneous model 

    Lartillot, Nicolas; Brinkmann, Henner; Philippe, Hervé (2007)
    BACKGROUND:Thanks to the large amount of signal contained in genome-wide sequence alignments, phylogenomic analyses are converging towards highly supported trees. However, high statistical support does not imply that the tree is accurate. Systematic ...