Now showing items 1-6 of 6

  • Cancellation of ventricular activity in the ECG : evaluation of novel and existing methods 

    Lemay, Mathieu; Vesin, Jean-Marc; Van Oosterom, Adriaan; Jacquemet, Vincent; Kappenberger, Lukas (Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2007-02-20)
    Due to the much higher amplitude of the electrical activity of the ventricles in the surface electrocardiogram (ECG), its cancellation is crucial for the analysis and characterization of atrial fibrillation. In this paper, two different methods are ...
  • An eikonal approach for the initiation of reentrant cardiac propagation in reaction-diffusion models 

    Jacquemet, Vincent (Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2010-05-27)
    Microscale electrical propagation in the heart can be modeled by a reaction-diffusion system describing cell and tissue electrophysiology. Macroscale features of wavefront propagation can be reproduced by an eikonal model, a reduced formulation involving ...
  • Extraction and analysis of T waves in electrocardiograms during atrial flutter 

    Jacquemet, Vincent; Dubé, Bruno; Nadeau, Réginald; Leblanc, Aimé Robert; Sturmer, Marcio; Giuliano, Becker; Kus, Térésa; Vinet, Alain (Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2010-12-13)
    Analysis of T waves in the electrocardiogram (ECG) is an essential clinical tool for diagnosis, monitoring and followup of patients with heart dysfunction. During atrial flutter, this analysis has been so far limited by the perturbation of flutter waves ...
  • Finite volume stiffness matrix for solving anisotropic cardiac propagation in 2-D and 3-D unstructured meshes 

    Jacquemet, Vincent; Henriquez, Craig S. (Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2005-07-11)
    The finite volume method (FVM) has been shown recently to be an effective method for discretizing the reaction-diffusion equations that govern wavefront propagation in anisotropic cardiac tissue, as it can naturally handle both complex geometries and ...
  • A numerical scheme for modeling wavefront propagation on a monolayer of arbitrary geometry 

    Zozor, Steeve; Blanc, Olivier; Jacquemet, Vincent; Virag, Nathalie; Vesin, Jean-Marc; Pruvot, Etienne; Kappenberger, Lukas; Henriquez, Craig S. (Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2003-04-15)
    The majority of models of wavefront propagation in cardiac tissue have assumed relatively simple geometries. Extensions to complicated three-dimensional (3-D) representations are computationally challenging due to issues related both to problem size ...
  • Scoliosis Follow-Up Using Noninvasive Trunk Surface Acquisition 

    Adankon, Mathias M.; Chihab, N; Dansereau, Jean; Labelle, Hubert; Cheriet, Farida (2013-03-13)
    Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a musculoskeletal pathology. It is a complex spinal curvature in a 3-D space that also affects the appearance of the trunk. The clinical follow-up of AIS is decisive for its management. Currently, the Cobb angle, ...