Now showing items 190-209 of 287

    Titles index
    Paid employment in adolescence and rapid integration into a career-related job in early adulthood among vulnerable youth : the identity connection [1]
    Pathways to prevention: protocol for the CAP (Climate and Preventure) study to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of school-based universal, selective and combined alcohol misuse prevention into early adulthood [1]
    Pediatrics [1]
    Peer victimization and anxiety in genetically vulnerable youth : the protective roles of teachers' self-efficacy and anti-bullying classroom rules [1]
    Perceptions of behavior analysis in France : accuracy and tone of posts in an Internet forum on autism [1]
    Persistence and innovation effects in genetic and environmental factors in negative emotionality during infancy : a twin study [1]
    Persistent genetic and family-wide environmental contributions to early number knowledge and later achievement in mathematics [1]
    A person-centered perspective on differential efficacy of early behavioral intervention in children with autism : a latent profile analysis [1]
    Personal and familial predictors of peer victimization trajectories from primary to secondary school [1]
    Perspectives on behavior science [5]
    Phenotypic and genetic associations between reading comprehension, decoding skills, and ADHD dimensions : evidence from two population-based studies [1]
    PLoS one [2]
    Pour dissiper quelques confusions [1]
    Pour éviter de nuire, 10 ans plus tard [1]
    Pour réussir dans la vie professionnelle, a-t-on besoin d'un bon quotient intellectuel (QI) ou d'un bon quotient émotionnel (QÉ)? [1]
    Predictors and Consequences of Simultaneous Alcohol and Cannabis Use in Adolescents [1]
    Predictors of trivialization of workplace violence among healthcare workers and law enforcers [1]
    Preliminary effects of conditioned establishing operations on stereotypy [1]
    Preliminary effects of parent-implemented behavioural interventions for stereotypy [1]
    Prevalence of stereotypy in individuals with developmental disabilities: a systematic review [1]