Now showing items 122-141 of 287

    Titles index
    Handbook of applied behavior analysis : integrating research into practice [1]
    Handbook of applied behavior analysis for children with autism [1]
    Handbook of social behavior and skills in children [1]
    Handbook of treatments for autism spectrum disorder [1]
    Heterogeneity in the development of proactive and reactive aggression in childhood : Common and specific genetic-environmental factors [1]
    High school dropout in proximal context : the triggering role of stressful life events [1]
    How many tiers do we need? Type I errors and power in multiple baseline designs [1]
    Identifying at-risk profiles and protective factors for problem gambling : a longitudinal study across adolescence and early adulthood [1]
    IEEE software [1]
    The impact of youth internalising and externalising symptom severity on the effectiveness of brief personality-targeted interventions for substance misuse : a cluster randomised trial [1]
    Les impacts des conditions de motivation sur le traitement des comportements problématiques chez les personnes en situation de handicap [1]
    Increasing compliance with wearing a medical device in children with autism [1]
    The influence of residential workers social climate on the use of restraint and seclusion : a longitudinal study in a residential treatment center for youth [1]
    Initial validation of the Brief Assessment of Service Satisfaction in Persons with an Intellectual Disability (BASSPID) [1]
    Intelligence 101 ou l'ABC du QI [1]
    The interaction between temperament and the family environment in adolescent substance use and externalizing behaviors : support for diathesis–stress or differential susceptibility? [1]
    International journal of behavioral development [2]
    International journal of bilingual education and bilingualism [1]
    International journal of environmental research and public health [1]
    Intervention psychosociale en autisme : examen de la portée de la littérature francophone [1]