Now showing items 149-168 of 366

    Titles index
    Genital pain in women : beyond interference with intercourse [1]
    Gériatrie et psychologie neuropsychiatrie du vieillissement [1]
    Getting ready for transition to adult care : tool validation and multi-informant strategy using the Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire in pediatrics [1]
    Gray matter hypertrophy and thickening with obstructive sleep apnea in middle-aged and older adults [1]
    Harmful or helpful : perceived solicitous and facilitative partner responses are differentially associated with pain and sexual satisfaction in women with provoked vestibulodynia [1]
    Harvard review of psychiatry [1]
    Health behavior and policy review [1]
    Health psychology [2]
    Health psychology and behavioral medicine [1]
    Health research policy and systems [1]
    Health systems and reform [1]
    Hippocampus [1]
    How do mothers with borderline personality disorder mentalize when interacting with their infants? [1]
    How does explicit knowledge inform policy shaping? The case of Burkina Faso’s national social protection policy [1]
    How to support toddlers’ autonomy : a qualitative study with child care educators [1]
    How to support toddlers’ autonomy : socialization practices reported by parents [1]
    How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk : a randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of the how-to parenting program on children’s mental health compared to a wait-list control group [1]
    How toddlers' irritability and fearfulness relate to parenting : a longitudinal study conducted among Quebec families [1]
    Human brain mapping [2]
    Humanities and social sciences communications [1]