Now showing items 188-207 of 214

    Titles index
    Routledge international handbook of advanced quantitative methods in nursing research [1]
    Scandinavian journal of caring sciences [1]
    Science infirmière et pratiques en santé = Science of nursing and health practices [1]
    Science of nursing and health practices = Science infirmière et pratiques en santé [1]
    Scoring methods in script concordance tests : an exploratory psychometric study [1]
    Script concordance approach in nursing education [1]
    Script concordance testing to understand the hypothesis processes of undergraduate nursing students : multiple case study [1]
    Simulated patient deterioration situations reveal taxonomy of the decisions made by nursing students [1]
    Simulation in healthcare [2]
    Simulation in nursing education [1]
    The social positioning of older people living with Alzheimer’s disease who scream in long-term care homes [1]
    Soins d’urgence [1]
    Subsyndromal delirium in cardiac surgery patients : risk factors and outcomes of the different trajectories [1]
    Systematic review and meta-analysis of olfactive stimulation interventions to manage procedural pain in preterm and full-term neonates [1]
    Testing nursing students’ clinical judgment in a patient deterioration simulation scenario : development of a situation awareness instrument [1]
    Theoretical foundations of educational strategies used in e-learning environments for developing clinical reasoning in nursing students : a scoping review [1]
    Traduction et adaptation d’un modèle du jugement clinique infirmier pour la recherche et la formation infirmière en contexte francophone [1]
    Traduction, adaptation et évaluation psychométrique préliminaire d’une mesure d’engagement et d’une mesure de charge cognitive en contexte d’apprentissage numérique [1]
    Transfer of clinical decision-making-related learning outcomes following simulation-based education in nursing and medicine : a scoping review [1]
    Transformation and articulation of clinical data to understand students’ and health professionals’ clinical reasoning : protocol for a scoping review [1]