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dc.contributor.authorBrisebois, Amélie
dc.contributor.authorBrambati, Simona Maria
dc.contributor.authorRochon, Elizabeth
dc.contributor.authorLeonard, Carol
dc.contributor.authorMarcotte, Karine
dc.subjectCase series designfr
dc.subjectLlongitudinal studyfr
dc.subjectMultilevel analysisfr
dc.titleThe longitudinal trajectory of discourse from the hyperacute to the chronic phase in mild to moderate poststroke aphasia recovery : a case series studyfr
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversité de Montréal. Faculté de médecine. École d'orthophonie et d'audiologiefr
dcterms.abstractBackground Discourse analysis has recently received much attention in the aphasia literature. Even if post-stroke language recovery occurs throughout the longitudinal continuum of recovery, very few studies have documented discourse changes from the hyperacute to the chronic phases of recovery. Aims To document a multilevel analysis of discourse changes from the hyperacute phase to the chronic phase of post-stroke recovery using a series of single cases study designs. Methods & Procedures Four people with mild to moderate post-stroke aphasia underwent four assessments (hyperacute: 0–24 h; acute: 24–72 h; subacute: 7–14 days; and chronic: 6–12 months post-onset). Three discourse tasks were performed at each time point: a picture description, a personal narrative and a story retelling. Multilevel changes in terms of macro- and microstructural aspects were analysed. The results of each discourse task were combined for each time point. Individual effect sizes were computed to evaluate the relative strength of changes in an early and a late recovery time frame. Outcomes & Results Macrostructural results revealed improvements throughout the recovery continuum in terms of coherence and thematic efficiency. Also, the microstructural results demonstrated linguistic output improvement for three out of four participants. Namely, lexical diversity and the number of correct information units/min showed a greater gain in the early compared with the late recovery phase. Conclusions & Implications This study highlights the importance of investigating all discourse processing levels as the longitudinal changes in discourse operate differently at each phase of recovery. Overall results support future longitudinal discourse investigation in people with post-stroke
UdeM.ReferenceFournieParDeposantBrisebois, A., Brambati, S. M., Rochon, E., Leonard, C., & Marcotte, K. (n.d.). The longitudinal trajectory of discourse from the hyperacute to the chronic phase in mild to moderate poststroke aphasia recovery: A case series study. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, n/a(n/a).
UdeM.VersionRioxxVersion acceptée / Accepted Manuscriptfr
oaire.citationTitleInternational journal of language and communication disordersfr

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