Exploring the usability of the Andragogical process model for learning for designing, delivering, and evaluating a workplace communication partner training
Article [Accepted Manuscript]
Is part of
Journal of workplace learning ; vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 577-590.Publisher(s)
Purpose: This study explores the usability of the andragogical process model for learning to
develop, deliver, and evaluate training to improve communication between adapted transport
drivers and people living with communication disabilities, and to identify the successes and
limitations of the model in this context.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Two aspects were considered to explore the usability of the
andragogical process model for learning: 1) comparison between the elements of the model and
the designing, delivering, and evaluating processes of the training; and 2) an appreciation
Findings: The model was useful to systematically design, deliver, and evaluate a workplace
training that was appreciated by the learners, even though most of the model’s elements were
modified to meet the constraints of the trainer and the organization. Assessing the needs for
learning, establishing a human climate conducive to learning, and choosing appropriate training
methods emerged as key elements that contributed to a successful appreciation of this training.
Originality: This study is one of the few that examines the possibility of a systematic application
of the andragogical process model for learning to workplace training. Its results suggest that the
model could be considered for application by non-professional trainers or external trainers from a
workplace, but that organizational constraints must be considered when using it.
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