Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • Analysis of scoliosis trunk deformities using ICA 

    Adankon, Mathias M.; Dansereau, Jean; Labelle, Hubert; Cheriet, Farida (2012-07-02)
    This paper describes a method for analyzing scoliosis trunk deformities using Independent Component Analysis (ICA). Our hypothesis is that ICA can capture the scoliosis deformities visible on the trunk. Unlike Principal Component Analysis (PCA), ICA ...
  • Feature-based tracking of urethral motion in low-resolution trans-perineal ultrasound 

    Jean, Frédéric; Branzan Albu, Alexandra; Dumoulin, Chantal (2011-12-01)
    This paper describes a novel algorithm for tracking the motion of the urethra from trans-perineal ultrasound. Our work is based on the structure-from-motion paradigm and therefore handles well structures with ill-defined and partially missing boundaries. ...