Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • Acquisition of French adjectives in Quebec French as revealed by elicitation data 

    Acquisition of Quebec French adjectives as revealed by elicitation data
    Royle, Phaedra; Valois, Daniel (Cambridge University Press, 2010)
    This study presents data from an elicitation study on French size and color adjectives in noun phrases (DPs), both early acquired structures. Thirty-two francophone children aged 3–5 years participated in the study. Adjectives were elicited using ...
  • Are second language learners just as good at verb morphology as first language learners? 

    Marquis, Alexandra; Royle, Phaedra (Boston University Conference on Language Development, 2015)
    We addressed whether children learning French as a first (L1) and multilingual children (MUL, for whom French is a second or third language) are sensitive to sub-regular verb conjugation patterns (i.e., neither default, nor idiosyncratic) (e.g., Albright, ...