• QT interval measurement and correction in patients with atrial flutter : a pilot study 

    Jacquemet, Vincent; Cassani González, Raymundo; Sturmer, Marcio; Dubé, Bruno; Sharestan, Jean; Vinet, Alain; Mahiddine, Omar; Leblanc, Aime Robert; Becker, Giuliano; Kus, Térésa; Nadeau, Reginald (Elsevier, 2014)
    Background and Purpose Measurement of QT intervals during atrial flutter (AFL) is relevant to monitor the safety of drug delivery. Our aim is to compare QT and QTc intervals in AFL patients before and after catheter ablation in order to validate QT ...
  • A statistical model of false negative and false positive detection of phase singularities 

    Jacquemet, Vincent (American Institute of Physics, 2017-10-26)
    The complexity of cardiac fibrillation dynamics can be assessed by analyzing the distribution of phase singularities (PSs) observed using mapping systems. Interelectrode distance, however, limits the accuracy of PS detection. To investigate in a ...