• Chitosan hydrogel micro-bio-devices with complex capillary patterns via reactive-diffusive self-assembly 

    Adibnia, Vahid; Mirbagheri, Marziye; Latreille, Pierre-Luc; Faivre, Jimmy; Cécyre, Bruno; Bouchard, Jean-François; Martinez, Vincent A.; Delair, Thierry; David, Laurent; Hwang, Dae Kun; Banquy, Xavier (Elsevier, 2019-08-29)
    We present chitosan hydrogel microfluidic devices with self-assembled complex microcapillary patterns, conveniently formed by a diffusion-reaction process. These patterns in chitosan hydrogels are formed by a single-step procedure involving diffusion ...
  • Nonspecific interactions in biomedical applications 

    Adibnia, Vahid; Mirbagheri, Marziye; Salimi, Sina; De Crescenzo, Gregory; Banquy, Xavier (Elsevier, 2019-12-20)
    Nonspecific interactions play a major role in the microscale functioning of biological units. Exploiting these interactions in design and application of biomedical systems has been beneficial in different branches of biomedicine. In this review, recently ...