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dc.contributor.advisorKarsenti, Thierry
dc.contributor.authorFiévez, Aurélien
dc.subjectIntegration modelsfr
dc.subject.otherEducation - Technology / Éducation - Technologie (UMI : 0710)fr
dc.titleProcessus d’appropriation des technologies de l’information et de la communication par les enseignants : le cas des tablettesfr
dc.typeThèse ou mémoire / Thesis or Dissertation de l'éducation - Psychopédagogiefré de Montréalfr / Doctoralfr
dcterms.abstractL’intégration des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) en contexte éducatif représente un moyen concret d’action et de réflexion en sciences de l’éducation. Les scientifiques et les acteurs de terrain se questionnent sur l’intégration des technologies et sur les moyens à mettre en place afin de réussir ce processus parfois complexe. De fait, la pénétration des outils technologiques dans les établissements scolaires a été exponentielle ces dernières années. Il est aujourd’hui nécessaire de comprendre selon quelles perspectives ces outils s’intègrent en salle de classe. Un exemple marquant est celui de la tablette tactile, récemment intégrée massivement dans les écoles d’Amérique du Nord et d’Europe. Cet outil, relativement récent dans la sphère scolaire, demande une réflexion précise vis-à-vis des pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants et des processus d’intégration inhérents. Afin de répondre à ces questionnements, nous avons élaboré une recherche en trois temps. Dans un premier temps, nous avons dressé un portrait exhaustif des pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants utilisant quotidiennement la tablette tactile en salle de classe. Ce portrait nous permet d’esquisser une synthèse des usages et réalités pédagogiques qui entourent cet outil. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons répertorié, analysé et classifié les modèles d’intégration des TIC présents dans la littérature. L’analyse de ces modèles nous a permis d’en extraire les forces et les lacunes intrinsèques. Ensuite, nous avons créé un modèle synthèse rassemblant les réflexions issues de ces analyses. En parallèle, nous avons créé une typologie permettant d’identifier et de classifier ces modèles. Dans un troisième temps, nous sommes partis des pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants et du modèle général d’intégration des TIC que nous avons conçu afin de comprendre quel était le processus d’intégration de la tablette en salle de classe. Les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence que l’utilisation de la tablette induit des usages pédagogiques novateurs qui facilitent l’enseignement et qui favorisent l’apprentissage des élèves. Cependant, nous constatons que la tablette n’est pas utilisée à son plein potentiel et que certains usages devraient être envisagés selon une perspective plus efficiente et adaptée. En ce qui concerne les processus d’intégration, nous avons identifié plusieurs éléments indispensables: ces processus doivent être itératifs et constructifs, des facteurs internes et externes doivent être considérés et des niveaux d’intégration doivent être identifiés. Le modèle ainsi conçu spécifie le modèle à privilégier et les aboutissants à considérer. À la suite de cette étape, nous avons conçu un modèle d’intégration spécifiquement dédié à la tablette. Celui-ci met en évidence, au-delà des caractéristiques définies dans le modèle général, une nécessaire formation, une implication des acteurs, un ajustement constant des pratiques pédagogiques et une itération indispensable. À la suite de ces considérations, nous constatons que le processus d’appropriation de la tablette est en cours de construction et que les nouvelles implantations, comme les existantes, doivent procéder à une analyse minutieuse des tenants et aboutissants des pratiques médiées par l’intégration de l’outil. En fin de document, une synthèse des résultats et des recommandations est proposée afin de favoriser l’intégration de la tablette tactile - et des TIC en général – dans la salle de
dcterms.abstractThe integration of information and communications technology (ICT) into the educational environment represents a tangible means of action in Educational Sciences. Questions are being asked by scientists, and those intervening directly on the ground, concerning the integration of technology and the means to be implemented in order ensure that this often complex process succeeds. The breadth and depth of the penetration of technology in schools has seen exponential growth in recent years and it has become vital to understand how these tools are used in the classroom. One notable example is the tablet, which has become ubiquitous in North American and European schools. Relatively new in the school context, this tool requires a careful consideration to be brought to bear on teaching practices and the different processes inherent in its integration. To answer these questions, we launched a research programme in three stages. We first developed a comprehensive picture of daily teaching practices using the touch-screen tablet in the classroom. This overview allowed us to sketch a summary of its educational uses and the issues surrounding this use. We then identified, analysed and classified the various ICT integration models presented in the literature. An analysis of these models allowed us to extract their intrinsic strengths and weaknesses. We created a synthetic model bringing together our reflections on these analyses and, in parallel, created a typology for identifying and classifying the models studied. Finally, based on the actual practice of teachers and the general model of ICT integration developed, we have attempted to understand process of integration of the tablet in the classroom. The results obtained show that the use of the tablet induces innovative teaching practices, which both facilitate teaching and promote learning. We nonetheless find that the potential of the tablet is far from being fully exploited, while certain uses should be considered within a more efficient and responsive perspective. In terms of the integration process, we identified several key elements for consideration: a process that must be iterative and constructive, internal and external factors involved, and the different levels of integration to be identified. The model thus designed specifies the means to be privileged and the ends to be considered. Following this step, we developed a model of integration dedicated to the tablet. This model, over and above the characteristics defined in the general model, presents a specific requirement for training, the involvement of the various participants, constant adjustment of teaching practices and an essential iteration. Following these considerations, we find that the appropriation of the tablet is an ongoing process and that new implementations, as for those existing, must feed into a careful analysis of the ramifications of practices mediated by the integration of this tool. At the end of the document, a summary of the results is presented, and certain recommendations are proposed to promote the integration of the tablet, and information & communications technology in general, into the
dcterms.abstractThe integration of information and communications technology (ICT) into the educational environment represents a tangible means of action in Educational Sciences. Questions are being asked by scientists, and those intervening directly on the ground, concerning the integration of technology and the means to be implemented in order ensure that this often complex process succeeds. The breadth and depth of the penetration of technology in schools has seen exponential growth in recent years and it has become vital to understand how these tools are used in the classroom. One notable example is the tablet, which has become ubiquitous in North American and European schools. Relatively new in the school context, this tool requires a careful consideration to be brought to bear on teaching practices and the different processes inherent in its integration. To answer these questions, we launched a research programme in three stages. We first developed a comprehensive picture of daily teaching practices using the touch-screen tablet in the classroom. This overview allowed us to sketch a summary of its educational uses and the issues surrounding this use. We then identified, analysed and classified the various ICT integration models presented in the literature. An analysis of these models allowed us to extract their intrinsic strengths and weaknesses. We created a synthetic model bringing together our reflections on these analyses and, in parallel, created a typology for identifying and classifying the models studied. Finally, based on the actual practice of teachers and the general model of ICT integration developed, we have attempted to understand process of integration of the tablet in the classroom. The results obtained show that the use of the tablet induces innovative teaching practices, which both facilitate teaching and promote learning. We nonetheless find that the potential of the tablet is far from being fully exploited, while certain uses should be considered within a more efficient and responsive perspective. In terms of the integration process, we identified several key elements for consideration: a process that must be iterative and constructive, internal and external factors involved, and the different levels of integration to be identified. The model thus designed specifies the means to be privileged and the ends to be considered. Following this step, we developed a model of integration dedicated to the tablet. This model, over and above the characteristics defined in the general model, presents a specific requirement for training, the involvement of the various participants, constant adjustment of teaching practices and an essential iteration. Following these considerations, we find that the appropriation of the tablet is an ongoing process and that new implementations, as for those existing, must feed into a careful analysis of the ramifications of practices mediated by the integration of this tool. At the end of the document, a summary of the results is presented, and certain recommendations are proposed to promote the integration of the tablet, and information & communications technology in general, into the

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