Browsing Faculté des arts et des sciences – Département de science politique - Travaux et publications by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 133
10 Downing Street: who’s next? Seemingly unrelated regressions to forecast UK election results
(Taylor and Francis, 2019-02-01)In recent years, the British polling industry has encountered difficulties in its attempts to measure voting intentions in important popular consultations, notably the referendum on Scottish independence, the 2015 general election and the EU membership ... -
The abiding voter : the lengthy horizon of retrospective evaluations
(Wiley, 2019-11-29)Although the theory of retrospective voting receives wide support in the literature on voting behavior, less agreement exists on voters’ time horizon when assessing the government’s performance – i.e., whether voters are myopic. Previous studies on ... -
Age, Period and Cohort effects in the Decline of Party Identification in Germany
An Analysis of a Two Decade Panel Study in Germany (1992-2009)
(2012-04-27)Party identification traditionally is seen as an important linkage mechanism, connecting voters to the party system. Previous analyses have suggested that the level of party identity is in decline in Germany, and in this article, we first expand previous ... -
Analyse causale et méthodes quantitatives : une introduction avec R, Stata et SPSS
(Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2020)L'analyse causale est une des tâches principales du scientifique. Un criminologue évalue l'effet d'une sentence sur la probabilité qu'un condamné récidive. Une économiste mesure l'effet de la discrimination raciale sur les perspectives d'emploi d'un ... -
Analyse de la transnationalisation de l’action collective : proposition pour une géographie des solidarités transnationales
(2009)Cet article propose une réflexion théorique autour de l’analyse des phénomènes de transnationalisation de l’action collective. L’approche du processus politique, approche dominante dans le champ de la transnationalisation, limite notre compréhension ... -
L’apolitisme municipal
(2012) -
Are the supporters of populist parties loyal voters? Dissatisfaction and stable voting for populist parties
(Cambridge University Press, 2018-09-17)Scholars of electoral behaviour regularly link political dissatisfaction to two types of behaviour: voting for populist parties and unstable voting behaviour. It is therefore not surprising that the electorates of populist parties are generally assumed ... -
Asia-Pacific: a new agenda for the times ahead
(Université de Montréal. Centre d'études et de recherches internationales, 2015-05)The rapid growth of the populous Asian economies provokes profound economic changes and a shift in the balance of power. On the economic front, Asian leaders are confronted with the need to preserve the stability that has underpinned their prosperity, ... -
Aux frontières mouvantes des mouvements sociaux, ou quand les partis politiques s’en mêlent : le cas du souverainisme au Québec
(2009)Le concept de mouvement social, dans sa définition usuelle, fait référence à l’ensemble des militants et des organisations, qui, structurés plus ou moins formellement en réseaux, développent des actions concertées en faveur d’une cause plus ou moins ... -
Career Officers and Political Appointees in American Diplomacy: Contending for Diplomatic Positions through Boundary Work
(Université de Montréal. Centre d'études et de recherches internationales, 2016-02)American diplomacy has long included a larger contingent of non-career appointees than is found in many other countries' diplomatic corps. Since the 1950s, successive White Houses have allocated about 30% of ambassadorships to individuals outside the ... -
Changements climatiques et stratégies de mitigation : Assistons-nous à une décarbonisation de l’économie mondiale ?
(Université de Montréal. Centre d'études et de recherches internationales, 2015-11)En juin 2015, les dirigeants des pays du G7 se sont engagés à décarboniser l’économie mondiale d’ici à la fin du siècle. La question se pose alors de savoir si une telle transition est d’ores et déjà observable, objet de réflexion de la présente étude. ... -
Choosing the Lesser of Two Evils: Explaining Multinational Banking Groups’ Push for Supranational Oversight in the EU
(Université de Montréal. Centre d'études et de recherches internationales, 2014-10)For decades before the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, West European nation-states maintained close political ties to their banks. Banks enjoyed regulatory forbearance and limited competition, while states cultivated national banking champions and a ... -
A Comparative Investigation into The Effects of Party-System Variables on Party Switching using Individual-Level Data
(2015-03-23)Previous comparative electoral studies using aggregate data indicate the importance of party-system variables, such as polarization and the number of parties, with regard to the level of volatility between two elections. Research using individual level ... -
Comparing the Protests of Undocumented Migrants Beyond Contexts: Collective Actions as Acts of Emancipation
(2013-03)In this article, we demonstrate that the collective actions of undocumented migrants possess similar symbolic dimensions, even if the contexts of their actions differ. We explain this finding by focusing on the power relations that undocumented migrants ... -
Compétition et collaboration: quel mode de négociation les élus doivent-ils adopter dans les États fédéraux ?
(Université de Montréal. Observatoire des fédérations & Université de Montréal. Centre d'études et de recherches internationales, 2015-02-09)Par le passé, les relations intergouvernementales entre les provinces canadiennes et leur contrepartie fédérale ont été tour à tour marquées par le conflit et la collaboration, selon les partis politiques au pouvoir et les enjeux de l’époque. Deux ... -
Comprendre la mise en œuvre différenciée d'une politique publique : Le cas d'une politique de gouvernance au Québec
(2010-09)En 2001, le gouvernement québécois adopte la Politique de reconnaissance et de soutien à l'action communautaire. La mise en œuvre de cette politique a mené à des résultats contrastés en fonction des champs d'intervention considérés. Dans cet article, ... -
Compulsory voting, inequality, and quality of the vote : the impact of compulsory voting on accountability and proximity voting
The impact of compulsory voting on inequality and the quality of the vote
(Routledge, 2017-01-18)Democratic elections imply that the electorate holds incumbents accountable for past performance, and that voters select the party that is closest to their own political preferences. Previous research shows that both elements require political sop ... -
Les contrôles à l'aide sociale: l'expérience québécoise des visites à domicile
(1995-03)Each year since 1986, between 100,000 and 135,000 households of Quebec welfare recipients have been visited by welfare inspectors, without any prior evidence of fraud. Yet, we know very little about the relevance and meaning of such controls. Following ...