Now showing items 1-6 of 6

  • The abiding voter : the lengthy horizon of retrospective evaluations 

    Stiers, Dieter; Dassonneville, Ruth; Lewis-Beck, Michael S. (Wiley, 2019-11-29)
    Although the theory of retrospective voting receives wide support in the literature on voting behavior, less agreement exists on voters’ time horizon when assessing the government’s performance – i.e., whether voters are myopic. Previous studies on ...
  • Economic Policy Voting and Incumbency: Unemployment in Western Europe 

    Dassonneville, Ruth; Lewis-Beck, Michael S. (2013-06)
    The economic voting literature has been dominated by the incumbency-oriented hypothesis, where voters reward or punish government at the ballot box according to economic performance. The alternative, policy-oriented hypothesis, where voters favor parties ...
  • The economic voter and economic crisis 

    Dassonneville, Ruth; Lewis-Beck, Michael S. (2014-10)
    Theories of economic voting have a long tradition in political science and continue to inspire a large group of scholars. Classical economic voting theory assumes a reward-and-punishment mechanism (Key, 1966). This mechanism implies that incumbents are ...
  • Macroeconomics, economic crisis and electoral outcomes: A national European pool 

    Dassonneville, Ruth; Lewis-Beck, Michael S. (2014-10)
    An abundance of comparative survey research argues the presence of economic voting as an individual force in European elections, thereby refuting a possible ecological fallacy. But the hypothesis of economic voting at the aggregate level, with ...
  • More ‘Europe’, less Democracy? : European integration does not erode satisfaction with democracy 

    Dassonneville, Ruth; Jabbour, Alexandra; Lewis-Beck, Michael S. (Elsevier, 2021-01-31)
    The process of European integration, through institutions such as the European Union, the Eurozone, or Schengen, implies a shift in political decision-making away from the national governments and towards international institutions. This gradual shift ...
  • Punishing Local Incumbents for the Local Economy 

    Economic Voting in the 2012 Belgian Municipal Elections
    Dassonneville, Ruth; Claes, Ellen; Lewis-Beck, Michael S. (2016-03)
    After decennia of research on economic voting, it is now established that the state of the economy affects voting behaviour. Nevertheless, this conclusion is the result of a focus on predominantly national-level economies and national-level elections. ...