• Economic Policy Voting and Incumbency: Unemployment in Western Europe 

    Dassonneville, Ruth; Lewis-Beck, Michael S. (2013-06)
    The economic voting literature has been dominated by the incumbency-oriented hypothesis, where voters reward or punish government at the ballot box according to economic performance. The alternative, policy-oriented hypothesis, where voters favor parties ...
  • The economic voter and economic crisis 

    Dassonneville, Ruth; Lewis-Beck, Michael S. (2014-10)
    Theories of economic voting have a long tradition in political science and continue to inspire a large group of scholars. Classical economic voting theory assumes a reward-and-punishment mechanism (Key, 1966). This mechanism implies that incumbents are ...
  • Election Forecasting under Opaque Conditions 

    A Model for Francophone Belgium, 1981-2010
    Dassonneville, Ruth; Hooghe, Marc (2012)
    Election forecasting models assume retrospective economic voting and clear mechanisms of accountability. Previous research indeed indicates that incumbent political parties are being held accountable for the state of the economy. In this article we ...
  • Electoral Volatility, Political Sophistication, Trust and Efficacy 

    A Study on Changes in Voter Preferences during the Belgian Regional Elections of 2009
    Dassonneville, Ruth (Springer, 2012-01)
    In this article we investigate voter volatility and analyze the causes and motives of switching vote intentions. We test two main sets of variables linked to volatility in literature; political sophistication and ‘political (dis)satisfaction’. Results ...
  • Macroeconomics, economic crisis and electoral outcomes: A national European pool 

    Dassonneville, Ruth; Lewis-Beck, Michael S. (2014-10)
    An abundance of comparative survey research argues the presence of economic voting as an individual force in European elections, thereby refuting a possible ecological fallacy. But the hypothesis of economic voting at the aggregate level, with ...
  • Partisan Dealignment in Germany: A rejoinder to Russell Dalton 

    Dassonneville, Ruth; Hooghe, Marc; Vanhoutte, Bram (2014)
    The work of Russell Dalton has undoubtedly played a seminal role in the study of the relation between political sophistication and partisan dealignment. We furthermore acknowledge the presence of a consensus on the occurrence of lower levels of ...
  • Political Sophistication and Vote Intention Switching 

    The Timing of Electoral Volatility in the 2009 German Election Campaign
    Dassonneville, Ruth (2014-09-01)
    This article investigates the link between political sophistication and electoral volatility. Showing that there is disagreement in the literature on whether switching party preferences is related to low or high levels of political sophistication, it ...
  • Punishing Local Incumbents for the Local Economy 

    Economic Voting in the 2012 Belgian Municipal Elections
    Dassonneville, Ruth; Claes, Ellen; Lewis-Beck, Michael S. (2016-03)
    After decennia of research on economic voting, it is now established that the state of the economy affects voting behaviour. Nevertheless, this conclusion is the result of a focus on predominantly national-level economies and national-level elections. ...
  • Transfert de voix, flux électoraux et électeurs mobiles 

    Dassonneville, Ruth; Baudewyns, Pierre (2014)
    Ruth Dassonneville et Pierre Baudewyns révèlent que, derrière les pourcentages des résultats électoraux, se cachent bien des mouvements et transferts d’électeurs. Ils se penchent sur la « volatilité nette », c’est-à-dire sur la somme des avancées et ...
  • Voters and Candidates of the Future 

    The Intention for Electoral Participation among Adolescents in 22 European countries
    Dassonneville, Ruth; Hooghe, Marc (2013)
    Within the literature there is a growing concern about lower voter turnout rates among young age cohorts. In this article we investigate the reported willingness to vote among 72,466 14-year old adolescents from 22 European countries, taking part in ...