Now showing items 156-175 of 523

    Titles index
    Early childhood education and care access for children from disadvantaged backgrounds : using a framework to guide intervention [1]
    Early childhood education journal [1]
    Early childhood trajectories of separation anxiety : bearing on mental health, academic achievement, and physical health from mid‐childhood to preadolescence [1]
    Early risk factors of overweight developmental trajectories during middle childhood [1]
    Effect of drug utilization reviews on the quality of in-hospital prescribing: a quasi-experimental study [1]
    Emerging technologies : from hindsight to foresight [1]
    Empirical bioethics : the good, the bad and the ugly [1]
    End-of-Life Decisions and Advanced Old Age [1]
    Engaging Ethical Issues Associated with Research and Public Health Interventions During Humanitarian Crises: Review of a Dialogic Workshop [1]
    Les enjeux éthiques de la pratique privée de l’ergothérapie : perceptions d’ergothérapeutes [1]
    Les enjeux identitaires de l’humain dans le débat philosophique sur la robotique humanoïde et l’amélioration humaine [1]
    Environnement et santé publique : fondements et pratiques [1]
    Epidemiology and infection [2]
    Épuisé : Reconnaissez que vous êtes fatigué et agissez avant qu’il ne soit trop tard [1]
    The Erasure of Sex and Gender Minorities in the Healthcare System [1]
    L’ergothérapeute : un professionnel de la santé? Vraiment? Dans quelle mesure? [1]
    Estimating causal effects of physical activity and sedentary behaviours on the development of type 2 diabetes in at-risk children from childhood to late adolescence : an analysis of the QUALITY cohort [1]
    Estimation of smoking prevalence in Canada: implications of survey characteristics in the CCHS and CTUMS/CTADS [1]
    An Ethic of Connectedness: Book Review of The Connected Self: The Ethics and Governance of the Genetic Individual [1]
    Ethical Considerations of Dissemination and Restitution of Findings in Global Health Research [1]