École de santé publique – Travaux et publications
Cette collection accueille les publications savantes et d’autres types de travaux d’auteur.e.s associé.e.s à cette unité. Voir aussi les collections Thèses et mémoires et Production étudiante de l'unité.
Recent Submissions
Working with graduate students : there are many different paths to successful student-supervisor collaborations
Travailler avec des étudiants des cycles supérieurs : il existe de nombreux chemins différents pour réussir les collaborations entre étudiants et superviseurs
(2024-08-27)Supervising graduate students is an intellectually stimulating and energizing experience; working with creative minds on a diversity of projects, professors are challenged to continually learn and examine new ways of doing research. But there is no ... -
Conditions for creative writing : finding ways to drop the traditional academic barriers
Conditions pour l’écriture créative : trouver des moyens de faire tomber les barrières académiques traditionnelles
(2024-06-25)Finding your "voice" and identifying the optimal conditions (whether physical or mental) for creative writing can be a challenge, especially when trying to move beyond the constraints of traditional scientific formats (articles, books, grants). And it ... -
The Postdoc : not another PhD nor a job, it’s a stepping stone to a career
Le postdoctorat : il ne s’agit pas d’un autre doctorat ni d’un emploi, mais d’un tremplin vers une carrière
(2024-06-18)The postdoc is an opportunity to explore research interests, network, build new skills and explore avenues for a future career. But it's also a time of great uncertainty because it's not a job but a transition to another position. Further, there is no ... -
Spaces to think differently : universities must be places for experimentation, not conformity
Des espaces pour penser différemment : les universités doivent être des lieux d’expérimentation et non de conformité
(2024-06-11)The university should be a bastion for socially important conversations about issues that affect us all. But this cannot by done by enclosing discussions into ever-smaller identity groups, each providing a "safe space" but one that is isolated. For the ... -
When students and professors misbehave : managing misconduct requires implementing good procedures
Quand les étudiants et les professeurs se comportent mal : pour gérer les manquements, il faut mettre en place de bonnes procédures
(2024-06-04)Academic misconduct by students or professors occurs for a variety of personal and structural reasons. It's thus important to both understand the causes, so we can implement preventative measures, and to hold people accountable when they violate norms ... -
Walking and talking : change physical space to change mental space
Marcher et discuter : changer l’espace physique pour changer l’espace mental
(2024-05-28)Bridging the "classic divide" between the mental and the physical, walking and talking can be an incredibly liberating means for creative thinking. The combination of physical movement and exercise, and of seeing, listing, smelling and experiencing our ... -
Dealing with a toxic workplace : whether it’s a toxic colleague or environment, the responsibility is institutional
Faire face à un lieu de travail toxique : qu’il s’agisse d’un collègue ou d’un environnement toxique, la responsabilité est institutionnelle
(2024-05-07)A toxic colleague or workplace is damaging to individuals and destructive to collegiality. It cannot be the responsibility of individual colleagues to address, instead requiring intervention by senior management. When this support is absent, leaving ... -
When we do too much : devotion to career can become all-encompassing
Quand nous en faisons trop : la dévotion à la carrière peut devenir omniprésente
(2024-05-21)Being a good colleague and "team player" is important in an organization, but sometimes we take on unreasonable responsibilities or commitments, either because we're passionate about the project or because it's expected. And this overwork can have ... -
Bioethics is intentionally normative : It’s not good enough to critique, we also need solutions
La bioéthique est délibérément normative : il ne suffit pas de critiquer, il faut aussi trouver des solutions
(2024-05-14)Like social scientists, bioethicists are well equipped to call out injustices and be critical of unethical policies and practices. Rarely decision-makers, we have the analytic tools and experience to identify places for improvement, and to propose ... -
The thesis defense : combat sport or collegial discussion, it pays to be prepared
La soutenance de thèse : sport de combat ou discussion collégiale, ça vaut le coup d'être préparé
(2024-04-30)The culminating event of a multi-year project, the PhD thesis defense is the final formal test of the knowledge and abilities of a doctoral candidate. An inevitably stressful experience, it pays to know the rules of the game, to practice in advance, ...