Now showing items 281-300 of 515

    Titles index
    Mael-e(s)t-France [1]
    Magie de Noël à la résidence intermédiaire : un conte urbain [1]
    Managing Profound Suffering at the End-of-Life: Should expanding access to continuous deep sedation be the priority? [1]
    Manuel d'hygiène du travail : du diagnostic à la maîtrise des facteurs de risque [1]
    The martial arts help keep me humble : take on the role of student and life-long learner [1]
    Mastery, perceived stress and health-related behaviour in northeast Arnhem Land: a cross-sectional study [1]
    Maternal depression symptoms and internalising problems in the offspring : the role of maternal and family factors [1]
    Maternal depressive symptoms and children's academic performance : sex differences in the mediating role of school experiences [1]
    Maternal depressive symptoms and children’s cognitive development : does early childcare and child’s sex matter? [1]
    Maternal depressive symptoms and early childhood cognitive development : a review of putative environmental mediators [1]
    « Médecine à deux vitesses à la manière de SUCCESs » ou « Deux poids deux mesures ou Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi c'est-à-dire : "ce qui est permis à Jupiter ne l'est pas auxvaches" » [1]
    The mediating role of adolescents’ loneliness and social withdrawal in the association between maternal depressive symptoms and suicidality in adolescence : a 20-year population-based study [1]
    Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada: An Ethical Analysis of Conscientious and Religious Objections [1]
    Mendelian randomization : a review of methods for the prevention, assessment, and discussion of pleiotropy in studies using the fat mass and obesity-associated gene as an instrument for adiposity [1]
    Mental health problems and risk of suicidal ideation and attempts in adolescents [1]
    Migrations société [1]
    Misogyny in Health Professions? An Analysis of the Dalhousie Dentistry Scandal [1]
    Missing single nucleotide polymorphisms in Genetic Risk Scores : a simulation study [1]
    Mobilisation des acteurs et transformation des services à la petite enfance : évaluation des retombées de l’enquête sur la maturité scolaire des enfants montréalais : rapport de recherche [1]
    Moral Responsibility in the Context of Prenatal Testing: What can be Expected? [1]