Now showing items 74-93 of 523

    Titles index
    Canadian Bioethics Research and Scholarship: A Need for Explicit Leadership and Support by Research Funders [1]
    Canadian chemical news = L'actualité chimique canadienne [2]
    Canadian journal of bioethics = Revue canadienne de bioéthique [3]
    Canadian journal of policy research [1]
    Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de santé publique [3]
    Cancer et grossesse : une réflexion selon une approche par principes [1]
    “Can’t you at least die with a little dignity?” The Right to Die Debates and Normative Dignity [1]
    Carnet de notes sur les maltraitances infantiles [1]
    The change in exergaming from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic among young adults : longitudinal study [1]
    Channeling our obsessions : or surfing the waves of our academic passions [1]
    ChatGPT : a dual-use technology : we need pragmatic responses to complex issues [1]
    Child care services, socioeconomic inequalities, and academic performance [1]
    Children with persistent versus transient early language delay : language, academic, and psychosocial outcomes in elementary school [1]
    Children’s mental and behavioral health, schooling, and socioeconomic characteristics during school closure in France due to COVID‑19 : the SAPRIS project [1]
    Choosing a good PhD supervisor : finding the right person is not easy [1]
    Choosing Thesis Juries: The Costs of Taking a Strict Line on Conflicts of Interest [1]
    Cobayes de la relève : l’artiste et le chercheur à la rencontre de l’expérience [1]
    Comment favoriser la communication thérapeutique avec une population vulnérable ? Des approches et des outils pour les professionnels prenant en charge les mineurs non accompagnés [1]
    The comment that kills : constructive or devastating? : it depends on how comments are given and received [1]
    Commentaire sur le projet de loi no. 59 concernant la modernisation du régime de santé et de sécurité du travail [1]