Now showing items 42-61 of 231

  • Comparing journal and paper level classifications of science 

    Shu, Fei; Julien, Charles-Antoine; Zhang, Lin; Qiu, Junping; Zhang, Jing; Larivière, Vincent (Elsevier, 2019-01-03)
    The classification of science into disciplines is at the heart of bibliometric analyses. While most classifications systems are implemented at the journal level, their accuracy has been questioned, and paper-level classifications have been considered ...
  • Contributorship and division of labor in knowledge production 

    Larivière, Vincent; Desrochers, Nadine; Macaluso, Benoit; Mongeon, Philippe; Paul-Hus, Adèle; Sugimoto, Cassidy R. (SAGE, 2016-06-21)
    Scientific authorship has been increasingly complemented with contributorship statements. While such statements are said to ensure more equitable credit and responsibility attribution, they also provide an opportunity to examine the roles and functions ...
  • Costly collaborations : the impact of scientific fraud on co-authors’ careers 

    Mongeon, Philippe; Larivière, Vincent (Association for information science and technology, 2015-01-30)
    Over the last few years, several major scientific fraud cases have shocked the scientific community. The number of retractions each year has also increased tremendously, especially in the biomedical field, and scientific misconduct accounts for ...
  • Criminologie à portée de clic : analyse de l’usage de la revue numérique 

    Criminologie just a click away: a usage analysis of the digital journal = Criminologie al alcance de un clic : análisis del uso de la revista digital
    Cameron-Pesant, Sarah; Sainte-Marie, Maxime; Jansen, Yorrick; Larivière, Vincent (Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2018)
    À la fin des années 1990, Criminologie est l’une des premières revues savantes québécoises à passer au format numérique. Cet article dresse un portrait de l’usage numérique de la revue, basé sur l’analyse de 858 894 téléchargements extraits des ...
  • Crowding the library : how and why libraries are using crowdsourcing to engage the public 

    Severson, Sarah; Sauve, Jean-Sébastien (Partnership provincial and territorial library associations of Canada, 2019-07-15)
    Over the past 10 years, there has been a noticeable increase of crowdsourcing projects in cultural heritage institutions, where digital technologies are being used to open up their collections and encourage the public to engage with them in a very ...
  • De la diffusion à l’exploitation : notes de recherche 1 

    Notes de recherche 1
    Lemay, Yvon; Klein, Anne (Université de Montréal, École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l’information (EBSI), 2017)
    Les Notes de recherche sont produites dans le cadre du projet « De la diffusion à l’exploitation : nouveau regard sur l’archivistique » (CRSH, Subventions Savoir, 2017–2020) sous la direction d’Anne Klein, professeure agrégée au Département des sciences ...
  • The decline in the concentration of citations, 1900–2007 

    Larivière, Vincent; Gingras, Yves; Archambault, Éric (Association for information science and technology, 2009-01-29)
    This article challenges recent research (Evans, 2008) reporting that the concentration of cited scientific literature increases with the online availability of articles and journals. Using Thomson Reuters’ Web of Science, the present article analyses ...
  • Le défi du numérique : redonner sa place à la fonction documentaire 

    Salaün, Jean-Michel (ADBS, 2008-02)
    L’ère numérique bouscule le secteur de l’information et de la documentation en induisant un renouvellement des services et en rendant nécessaire, face au chaos informationnel, le mouvement de « redocumentarisation ». Jean-Michel Salaün décrit ce nouveau ...
  • Design and update of a classification system : the UCSD map of science 

    Börner, Katy; Klavans, Richard; Patek, Michael; Zoss, Angela M.; Biberstine, Joseph R.; Light, Robert P.; Larivière, Vincent; Boyack, Kevin W. (2012-07-12)
    Global maps of science can be used as a reference system to chart career trajectories, the location of emerging research frontiers, or the expertise profiles of institutes or nations. This paper details data preparation, analysis, and layout performed when ...
  • Differences in personal and professional tweets of scholars 

    Bowman, Timothy D. (Emerald, 2015-05-18)
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to show that there were differences in the use of Twitter by professors at AAU schools. Affordance use differed between the personal and professional tweets of professors as categorized by turkers. Framing ...
  • Digitizing musical scores : challenges and opportunities for libraries 

    Laplante, Audrey; Fujinaga, Ichiro (2016-08-12)
    Musical scores and manuscripts are essential resources for music theory research. Although many libraries are such documents from their collections, these online resources are dispersed and the functionalities for exploiting their content remain limited. ...
  • The dissemination of national knowledge in an internationalized scientific community 

    Larivière, Vincent; Warren, Jean-Philippe (Canadian Journal of Sociology, 2019)
  • The diverse niches of megajournals : specialism within generalism 

    Siler, Kyle; Larivière, Vincent; Sugimoto, Cassidy R. (Wiley, 2019-10-08)
    Over the past decade, megajournals have expanded in popularity and established a legitimate niche in academic publishing. Leveraging advantages of digital publishing, megajournals are characterized by large publication volume, broad interdisciplinary ...
  • Do altmetrics work? Twitter and ten other social web services 

    Thelwall, Mike; Haustein, Stefanie; Larivière, Vincent; Sugimoto, Cassidy R. (Public library of science, 2013-05-28)
    Altmetric measurements derived from the social web are increasingly advocated and used as early indicators of article impact and usefulness. Nevertheless, there is a lack of systematic scientific evidence that altmetrics are valid proxies of either ...
  • Do authors of research funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research comply with its open access mandate? : A meta-epidemiologic study 

    Scaffidi, Michael A.; Elsolh, Karam; Li, Juana; Verma, Yash; Bansa, Rishi; Gimpaya, Nikko; Larivière, Vincent; Khan, Rishad; Grove, Samir C. (Public Library of Science, 2021-08-24)
    Since 2008, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) has mandated that studies it funds either in whole or in part are required to publish their results as open access (OA) within 12 months of publication using either online repositories and/or ...
  • A Document Browsing Tool Based on Book Indexes 

    Da Sylva, Lyne (2004-08)
    This research project is a contribution to the global field of information retrieval, specifically, to develop tools to enable information access in digital documents. We recognize the need to provide the user with flexible access to the contents of ...
  • Documenting acousmatic music interpretation : a developmental framework based on cross self-confrontations 

    Boutard, Guillaume; Féron, François-Xavier (Taylor and Francis Group, 2020-12-23)
    The investigation of acousmatic music interpretation as a distinct activity from composition calls for the investigation of appropriate documentation frameworks. This paper investigates the relevance of cross self-confrontations ...
  • Documenting acousmatic music interpretation : profiles of discourse across multiple dimensions 

    Boutard, Guillaume; Féron, François-Xavier (Emerald, 2018)
    Purpose : Extending documentation and analysis frameworks for acousmatic music to performance/interpretation, from an information science point of view, will benefit the transmission and preservation of a repertoire with an idiosyncratic relation to ...
  • Du document à la donnée et retour. La fourmilière ou les Lumières 

    Salaün, Jean-Michel (ADBS Editions, 2012-10)
    Même si le mot est ancien, la référence à la notion de document est récente dans l'Histoire, sans doute en résonance avec l'organisation de la société industrielle, sa régulation et ses valeurs. Au tournant du millénaire, le web s'est appuyé sur un ...