Now showing items 1-3 of 3

  • Bridging The Unknown : An Interdisciplinary Case Study of Paratext in Electronic Literature 

    Desrochers, Nadine; Tomaszek, Patricia (Information Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global, 2014)
    This chapter presents a dual perspective on the paratextual apparatus of a work of electronic literature, The Unknown: The Original Great American Hypertext Novel by William Gillespie, Scott Rettberg, Dirk Stratton, and Frank Marquardt. Approaches from ...
  • Introduction : Crossing Digital Thresholds on the Paratextual Tightrope 

    Desrochers, Nadine; Apollon, Daniel (Information Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global, 2014)
    The paratext framework is now used in a variety of fields to assess, measure, analyze, and comprehend the elements that provide thresholds, allowing scholars to better understand digital objects. Researchers from many disciplines revisit paratextual ...
  • Preface : A Threshold to the Work at Hand 

    Desrochers, Nadine; Apollon, Daniel (Information Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global, 2014)
    The paratext framework is now used in a variety of fields to assess, measure, analyze, and comprehend the elements that provide thresholds, allowing scholars to better understand digital objects. Researchers from many disciplines revisit paratextual ...