Now showing items 3964-3983 of 5642

    Titles index
    Neogenin function and modulation in spinal motor neuron development [1]
    La néoglucogenèse rénale : un nouvel aspect dans la restriction de croissance intra-utérine chez le rat [1]
    La néphrectomie partielle chez les patients atteints du cancer du rein de stade T1b [1]
    Neural correlates of affordance competition in dorsal premotor cortex [1]
    Neural substrates mediating the behavioural effects of antipsychotic medications and pavlovian cues : importance for maladaptive processes in psychiatric disorders [1]
    Neuraminidases as triggers of atherosclerosis [1]
    The neurobiology of meditation for the control of pain [1]
    Neurocognitive basis of aggressive behaviors in Schizophrenia : a neuroimaging study [1]
    Neurofunctional reorganization to support semantic processing during aging : an fMRI study [1]
    Neurogenèse de la respiration chez la lamproie [1]
    Neuron-Derived Semaphorin 3A is an Early Inducer of Vascular Permeability in Diabetic Retinopathy [1]
    Les neurones sensoriels diminuent l'immunosurveillance du cancer [1]
    Neurophysiological mechanisms of chronic primary spine pain relief by chiropractic spinal manipulation = Mécanismes neurophysiologiques du soulagement de la douleur vertébrale chronique primaire par les manipulations vertébrales chiropratiques [1]
    Neuroprotection and regeneration of adult lesioned retinal ganglion cells by the modulation of fibroblast growth factor-2 and receptor tyrosine phosphatase-sigma [1]
    Une neuroprothèse de stimulation bi-corticale pour le contrôle locomoteur chez le chat intact et suivant une contusion spinale thoracique [1]
    Neuropsychological predictors of treatment outcome in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) [1]
    Neurotensinergic modulation of glutamatergic neurotransmission in VTA neurons [1]
    Neurotoxicity and neurobehavioral effects of manganese phosphate/sulfate mixture in male sprague-dawley rats following subchronic inhalation exposure [1]
    New insights into small molecules inhibitors and protein-protein interactions of VirB8 : a critical conserved component of the type IV secretion system [1]
    New insights into the substrate specificities of microbial transglutaminase: a biocatalytic perspective [1]