Now showing items 83-102 of 208

    Titles index
    I see so I feel : coping with workplace violence among victims and witnesses [1]
    L’impact des réseaux criminels sur les trajectoires de diversification des activités illicites [1]
    Impact du moment du dévoilement d’une agression sexuelle perpétrée par un tiers sur certains aspects affectifs et relationnels des victimes adultes [1]
    The impact of a Canadian financial cybercrime prevention campaign on clients’ sense of security [1]
    Impact of a social skills program on children’s stress : a cluster randomized trial [1]
    The Impact of a Substance Abuse Treatment for Offenders in Relation to the Time Spent in Treatment [1]
    Les initiatives de prise en charge adaptée des Premières Nations et Inuit judiciarisés au Canada : quelques pistes de réflexion [1]
    L’injonction thérapeutique à l’égard des toxicomanes : comparaison des systèmes français et québécois [1]
    The intangible benefits of criminal mentorship [1]
    Interactive effects of early and recent exposure to stressful contexts on cortisol reactivity in middle childhood [1]
    International annals of criminology [1]
    International review of victimology [1]
    Intimate partner violence and new-onset depression : a longitudinal study of women's childhood and adult histories of abuse [1]
    Intimidation à l'heure d'Internet [1]
    Introduction. Conduites addictives et crimes [1]
    Jon Burnett, work and the carceral state (London: Pluto Press, 2022) [1]
    Journal of addiction research and therapy [1]
    Journal of aggression, maltreatment and trauma [4]
    Journal of child psychology and psychiatry [1]
    Journal of consulting and clinical psychology [1]