Now showing items 49-68 of 208

    Titles index
    Échange de pornographie juvénile entre adolescents [1]
    ECHO: Program of personal development for inmates [1]
    Éditorial : Psychotropes : produits d'abus [1]
    Education and training for preventing and minimising workplace aggression directed toward healthcare workers [1]
    The effect of talking about psychological trauma with a significant other on heart rate reactivity in individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder [1]
    Effects of a peer support programme for youth social services employees experiencing potentially traumatic events: a protocol for a prospective cohort study [1]
    Enhancing relationships between criminology and cybersecurity [1]
    Enhancing the effectiveness of cybercrime prevention through policy monitoring [1]
    Épisodes d’inactivité et revenus criminels dans une trajectoire de délinquance [1]
    Europe's journal of psychology [1]
    Evaluation of an education and training program to prevent and manage patients’ violence in a mental health setting : a pretest-posttest intervention study [1]
    Evaluation of the Dawson College shooting psychological intervention: moving toward a multimodal extensive plan [1]
    Évolution du sens de responsabilité sur sa vie chez l'alcoolique au cours d'un traitement psychosocial dispensé à Domrémy-Montréal [1]
    Examining negative online social reaction to police use of force : the George Floyd and Jacob Blake events [1]
    Expertise integration in cybercrime policing : exploring civilian career lifecycles [1]
    Exploring the leisure [1]
    FACETS [1]
    Federal probation [1]
    Les femmes victimes de violence conjugale au Québec : examen du profil des victimes, des agresseurs et du contexte [1]
    Fold, check, hit me! Impact of lifestyle on the trajectories of problem gamblers [1]