Now showing items 9-28 of 208

    Titles index
    Behavioral sciences [2]
    BMJ Open [1]
    Broken record : the leisure–health Nexus in prison [1]
    The buffering power of overt socially supportive and unsupportive behaviors from the significant other on posttraumatic stress disorder individuals’ emotional state [1]
    Canadian family physician = Médecin de famille canadien [1]
    Canadian journal of criminology and criminal justice = Revue canadienne de criminologie et de justice pénale [3]
    Canadian journal of psychiatry = Revue canadienne de psychiatrie [3]
    Carrière criminelle lucrative et désistement assisté [1]
    Champ pénal = Penal field [1]
    Co-occurrence of violence on the severity of abuse in intimate relationships [1]
    Cochrane database of systematic reviews [1]
    Comment les expériences passées conditionnent la fin des carrières criminelles : réussite criminelle et processus de désistement [1]
    Comorbid Depression Among Untreated Illicit Opiate Users : Results From a Multisite Canadian Study [1]
    Compensatory and protective factors against violent delinquency in late adolescence : results from the Montreal longitudinal and experimental study [1]
    Comprendre et combattre le mouvement anti-trans au « Canada » : un guide pour les communautés trans et nos allié.es [1]
    Comprendre le cyberterrorisme : du concept à la réalité [1]
    Computers and security [1]
    The concept of terrorism and historical time : comparing 9/11 to the Terreur [1]
    Consommation de substances psycho-actives chez les femmes détenues au Québec [1]
    The costs of alcohol, illegal drugs, and tobacco in Canada, 2002 [1]