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dc.contributor.authorDufour, Pascale
dc.subjectMouvements sociauxfr
dc.titleMarginalization and Transnationalizing Movements: How Does One Relate to the Other?fr
dc.typeChapitre de livre / Book chapterfr
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversité de Montréal. Faculté des arts et des sciences. Département de science politiquefr
dcterms.abstractThe main objective of this chapter is to address the following theoretical issue: How are the transnationalization and the marginalization processes related? We suggest that in order to understand more accurately how marginalized people’s movements and transnationalization processes are embedded, we need to open our understanding of transnationalization processes to see what the actors do when they build transnationalizing movements. In order to analyze experiences of poor people’s movement transnationalizing, we propose first to consider transnationalization as a social practice of solidarities building and second, as practices of “translation,” a search of recognition beyond
oaire.citationTitleEconomic and political change in Asia and Europe : social movements analyses

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