Now showing items 115-134 of 206

    Titles index
    Journal of politics [1]
    A Journey of a Thousand Steps: The Challenges of State and Nation Building in South Sudan [1]
    Lien social et politiques [3]
    Une loi contre la pauvreté : La nouvelle approche québécoise de lutte contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale [1]
    The loyalty trap : regime ethnic exclusion, commitment problems, and civil war duration in Syria and beyond [1]
    Macroeconomics, economic crisis and electoral outcomes: A national European pool [1]
    The many faces of knowledge : Do science and traditional ecological knowledge coexist in federal assessments? [1]
    Marginalization and Transnationalizing Movements: How Does One Relate to the Other? [1]
    Martin Buber, véritable phare de la pensée moderne [1]
    A methodological scoping review of the integration of fMRI to guide dMRI tractography. What has been done and what can be improved; a 20-year perspective [1]
    Middle East report [1]
    The Mobilization against the 2005 treaty establishing a constitution for Europe : a French mobilization for another Europe [1]
    Mobilizing in borderline citizenship regimes : a comparative analysis of undocumented migrants’ collective actions [1]
    La modernisation navale chinoise : défense active, ambitions nouvelles et réalisme stratégique [1]
    Modes de vie et politiques municipales : regards sur le milieu périurbain montréalais [1]
    Un monde désenchanté : essai sur la crise sociale et politique [1]
    More ‘Europe’, less Democracy? : European integration does not erode satisfaction with democracy [1]
    Mouvements de femmes et pratiques différenciées de transnationalisation des solidarités [1]
    The New Global Politics of Poverty [1]
    Norm Transmission in Peace- and State-building: Lessons from Democracy Promotion in Sudan and Lebanon [1]