Now showing items 11670-11689 of 20071

    Titles index
    Les limites du modèle-type du fonctionnement des cercles de qualité [1]
    Les limites du principe de neutralité libérale en termes de politiques environnementales [1]
    Les limites imposées aux minorités sexuelles comme symptôme d’un projet de pouvoir au Brésil : le cas Queermuseu [1]
    Les limites souhaitables et légitimes au pluralisme : une perspective constructiviste [1]
    The limits of bibliometrics for the analysis of the social sciences and humanities literature [1]
    The limits of Nečiporuk’s method and the power of programs over monoids taken from small varieties of finite monoids [1]
    Limnology and oceanography [1]
    Linear block copolymers of L–lactide and 2–dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate : synthesis and properties [1]
    Lines of Descent d'Anthony K. Appiah : un regard oblique sur le panafricanisme [1]
    The linguistic and cognitive mechanisms underlying language tests in healthy adults : a principal component analysis [1]
    Linguistic imperialism : a study of language and yoruba rituals in Wole Soyinka’s Death and the king’s horseman [1]
    The linguistic patterns and rhetorical structure of citation context : an approach using n-grams [1]
    Linguistic processes for content condensation in abstracting scientific texts [1]
    Link between stressor exposure and high school dropout: the moderating role of support from parents, peers, teachers and mental health professionals [1]
    Linking dissolved organic matter quality and quantity to CO2 and CH4 concentrations in ombrotrophic bog pools [1]
    Linking the chemical speciation of cerium to its bioavailability in water for a freshwater alga [1]
    Links between developmental changes in kindergarten behaviors and later peer associations [1]
    Links between friends' physical aggression and adolescents' physical aggression : what happens if gene-environment correlations are controlled? [1]
    Links between the mother-adolescent and father-adolescent relationships and adolescent depression : a genetically informed study [1]
    Linnik's theorem : a comparison of the classical and the pretentious approach [1]