Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • A Comparative Investigation into The Effects of Party-System Variables on Party Switching using Individual-Level Data 

    Dejaeghere, Yves; Dassonneville, Ruth (2015-03-23)
    Previous comparative electoral studies using aggregate data indicate the importance of party-system variables, such as polarization and the number of parties, with regard to the level of volatility between two elections. Research using individual level ...
  • Party Members as an Electoral Linking Mechanism 

    An Election Forecasting Model for Political Parties in Belgium, 1981-2010
    Dassonneville, Ruth; Hooghe, Marc (2014)
    While party membership figures are clearly in decline in several Western countries, different interpretations have been offered on the likely consequences of this trend. Some authors stress that members have lost most of their importance for political ...