Now showing items 1-4 of 4

  • Anatomical correlates of early mutism in progressive nonfluent aphasia 

    Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa; Ogar, Jennifer M.; Brambati, Simona Maria; Wang, P.; Jeong, Je Hoon; Rankin, Katherine P.; Dronkers, Nina; Miller, Bruce L. (American Academy of Neurology, 2006)
    Patients with progressive nonfluent aphasia (PNFA) can become mute early in the course of the disease. Voxel-based morphometry showed that PNFA is associated with left anterior insula and inferior frontal atrophy. In PNFA with early mutism, volume ...
  • The logopenic/phonological variant of primary progressive aphasia 

    Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa; Brambati, Simona Maria; Ginex, Valeria; Ogar, Jennifer M.; Dronkers, Nina; Marcone, Alessandra; Perani, Daniela; Garibotto, Valentina; Cappa, Stefano F.; Miller, Bruce L. (American Academy of Neurology, 2008)
    Objective: Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is characterized by isolated decline in language functions. Semantic dementia and progressive nonfluent aphasia are accepted PPA variants. A “logopenic” variant (LPA) has also been proposed, but its cognitive ...
  • Parallel recovery of consciousness and sleep in acute traumatic brain injury 

    Duclos, Catherine; Dumont, Marie; Arbour, Caroline; Paquet, Jean; Blais, Hélène; Menon, David K.; De Beaumont, Louis; Bernard, Francis; Gosselin, Nadia (American Academy of Neurology, 2017)
    Objective: To investigate whether the progressive recuperation of consciousness was associated with the reconsolidation of sleep and wake states in hospitalized patients with acute traumatic brain injury (TBI). Methods: This study comprised 30 ...
  • Regional reductions of gray matter volume in familial dyslexia 

    Brambati, Simona Maria; Termine, Cristiano; Ruffino, Milena; Stella, Giacomo; De Fazio, Francesco; Cappa, Stefano F.; Perani, Daniela (American Academy of Neurology, 2004)
    An in vivo anatomic study of gray matter volume was performed in a group of familial dyslexic individuals, using an optimized method of voxel-based morphometry. Focal abnormalities in gray matter volume were observed bilaterally in the planum temporale, ...